The rain, which started in Jeju and southern coasts, will spread to the whole country tomorrow (3 days).

The rain will run until Tuesday, and during this time, strong rain will be poured with lightning and gusts around these areas, including more than 120mm of Jeju production area and 80mm of maximum in Jeju and South coast.

Other southern regions are expected to have a ratio of 20 to 60, and central and Gyeongbuk provinces are expected to have a ratio of 5 to 30 mm.

The temperature is higher than usual during the rain, so I will be mild.

Tomorrow morning, the morning temperature will start at 9 degrees, the day will start at 8 degrees, and I will stay at around 15 degrees in the middle of the day.

However, the cold air is pushed behind the rain clouds, and on Wednesday, the morning morning temperatures will drop to minus 4 degrees Celsius, and it will become very cold.

Tomorrow the wind will be very strong around the coast.

Please be careful of the facility management.

There is a preliminary special announcement for the southern sea of ​​the East Sea.

After the rain is over, there is a possibility that yellow dust will appear.

(Chung Ju Hee Weather Caster)