The Unconditional World Challenges of man to the universe. The recently released film 'First Man' covered the biography of Neil Armstrong, who was on the Moon on Apollo 11. The vast universe has been portrayed in various films.

But the film 'First Man' has something special that is different from existing films. It is the appearance of the universe that you see at the point of the astronaut Armstrong.

This film, which contains colorful scenes capturing the audience's attention from inside the ship to the moon's surface, also depicts Armstrong's anguish and conflict personally. Human land moon landing, which started with Armstrong's footsteps, is celebrating its 50th anniversary next year.

Another adventure of mankind towards the moon. Where are we now?

■ US and Soviet Union's "Space War" without gunfire ... A word from former President Kennedy

After the Second World War, the Cold War came. The United States and the Soviet Union (Soviet Union) fought a war without guns at the time of the unconquered universe. It was the Soviet Union that was ahead in the space war. On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the world's first satellite Sputnik No. 1. America was upset.

It was the beginning of "Sputnik Shock", which struck the United States, who was confident of being ahead of the Soviet Union in science and technology. The impact was even greater after launching Sputnik No. 2, the first space dog, Leica, in just one month. The United States has begun to pour huge capital into the space business.

In January 1958, the United States finally launched its first satellite Explorer 1. The United States established NASA in October of the same year and spurred the launch of a manned spacecraft before the Soviet Union. However, you will experience another bitter defeat.

In April 1961, the first astronaut who boarded Vostok 1 and looked at the Earth from outside the atmosphere was Yuri Gagarin. One word of "Earth was blue". The first manned spacecraft title was also the moment the Soviet Union was gripping. Since then, the fierce space wars of the two countries have continued, but the first war of the space war ended with the Soviet dominance, with the Soviets occupying most of the first titles.

The US and Soviet space wars led to lunar exploration. Again, the Soviets went ahead in the early competition. In 1959, the Soviet Union had already sent the Luna 2 to the surface of the moon. Seven years later, the 1966 unmanned probe Luna 9 seemed to have won again with the moon landing. But as a word from President Kennedy becomes reality, the landscape of the space war will change.

[John F. Kennedy / Former US President: "I will send a person to the moon in the 1960s, not because it is easy, but because it is difficult."]

■ Plan of the US Apollo poured 200 trillion ... Armstrong's XXX was made in advance?

The United States has poured enormous budgets into space. The Apollo scheme, which started in 1961. Only the budgets entered here are about 200 trillion won when converted to the present standard.

There was a sad sacrifice. Two years ago, when Apollo 11 wrote history, there was a fire inside Apollo 1, which was undergoing testing before launch. All three astronauts who were in this accident lost their lives. Armstrong and his colleagues could not make their sacrifice in vain. Apollo 4th to 10th lunar landing attempts continued.

And on July 16, 1969, Apollo 11, with its vast mission, was finally launched.

The landing point for Apollo 11, including Neil Armstrong, pilots Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin, was the Sea of ​​Calm. It was a landing site where we analyzed topographical data from the moon's probing planes on relatively flat land in the moon's surface.

Four days after leaving Earth, on July 20, Apollo 11 landed safely on the moon, and Armstrong was the first human to walk on the moon.

It was the moment when the charter of the space war was reversed one morning. With the completion of mission Apollo 11, the United States has gained momentum, but there are also hidden secrets. NASA also saw a high probability that the mission of Apollo 11 would fail, and if the astronauts could not return to Earth, the Nixon presidential readings would have been prepared in advance.

Is it because it was a historical event that marked the history of mankind? There is also a claim that Apollo 11's moon landing is false. There were no people claiming that the moon landing had been tampered with, "The flag was blown off the moon in a vacuum," and "There is no starlight on the moon photo." In addition, in 2009, NASA acknowledged that the origin of the moon landing video had been deleted, and the operating theories spread to one side.

However, NASA said it was an unfounded claim. Since then, NASA has released additional evidence of the moon landing. Apollo 11 in 2014 posted a photo of the seismograph and reflector on the moon. And in July this year, Apollo 11 was released to the Houston Space Center at the time of the lunar landing.

■ Competition of the lunar exploration in the 2000s ... What is the history of the universe that will be used after 50 years?

Apollo 11 was the winner of the United States in the space war that lasted more than a decade. Since 1972, twelve astronauts stepped on the surface of the moon. But both the United States and the Soviet Union were burdened with the astronomical costs of space operations. Eventually, the competition between the two countries, which took place on the moon, ended in the early 1970s with the "détente" as the Cold War eased.

The moon was again attracted to the world as it became known that ice water in the 2000s existed on the moon. Asia, including the United States, Russia, and Europe, as well as China, Japan, and India, have plunged into exploring the moon.

There is another reason for the lunar exploration competition to be ignited. It takes about three and a half days from Earth to the moon, but it takes about 200 days to reach Mars. In addition, due to the time difference with the Earth, Mars exploration takes place once every 26 months. The Moon, on the other hand, has fewer restrictions on the launch cycle and can launch spaceships often. You will be able to experience and prepare for the dangers of exploring other planets in advance.

In 2019, the lunar landing history of mankind reaches its 50th anniversary. Korea, which is a late runner, is also pushing for lunar exploration in earnest. Korea Aerospace Research Institute plans to send a probe to the moon by 2030.

A mankind moving toward a farther universe based on lunar exploration.

What new history will be made in the next 50 years?

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