Shin Dong-yeop, a broadcaster who has gained popularity with his witty gestures, laughed to reveal the episode about his father.

Singer Lee Sun-hee appeared on SBS 'Ugly We Kid' which was broadcasted on the 9th.

Lee Sun-hee asked Kim Gun-mo's mother and Kim Jong-gook's mother who had the singer's son, "Do you go when your son performs?" The mothers answered, "I am more nervous than my son," and "What if my lyrics are wrong, I'm shaking."

Lee Sun-hee said, "My mom and dad invite me every time I perform, and all my eyes say that I am sick.
Shin Dong-yeop listened to the conversation quietly from the side and said, "It's the same." My father said that he had a year, but when I talk about a joke or a joke, he tears my heart because he wants to make money.

Shin Dong-yup also said, "My father saw me and said, 'I thought how difficult it was for him to do that.'
Shin Dong-yeop, who made his debut as a SBS special comedian in 1991, has enjoyed the audience with his unique jokes that cross the line through broadcasts such as JTBC 'Witch Hunting' and TVN 'SNL Korea'

Recently, he has actively acted as an MC in various broadcasts such as SBS 'Ugly Cry' and KBS 'Hello'.
(Composition = Oh Joy Editor, Source = SBS 'Ugly We Kid', JTBC 'Witch Hunting' Screen Capture)

(SBS Steve Star)