I have only one month left this year. There are many people who are worried about how cold this winter will be as the winter season begins in December. Fortunately, this weekend has relatively mild winter weather. Have you ever heard that people feel cold in the same weather?

In fact, those who are well-behaved in cold weather may feel chills and cold hands and feet all day. However, if you take the cold too seriously, you may have an abnormality in your health. Today, SBS 'Life' features the characteristics of exceptionally cold riders, and tells you what diseases you should be suspicious of.
■ Is there a good reason to ride the cold well?

Our body produces a certain amount of heat to overcome the cold. However, if heat is not reduced or heat is not transmitted to every corner of your body, you will have to feel the cold. First of all, if your body lacks muscles, you will lose heat. You may have had the experience of shaking your body after going out on the stump. In fact, this reaction is a natural phenomenon to maintain body temperature.

When our body is exposed to the cold, the muscles tremble to create new heat. The lower the muscle mass, the less the amount of heat produced by the body. This is why older people who lack muscles are more vulnerable to cold than younger people. In particular, it is better to exercise constantly because you can feel the cold more if you lack the lower body muscles which occupy more than half of our body muscles.
Even if the blood circulation is not smooth, it is cold. There are many people who feel bad in the outermost hands and feet of our body because the heat that is transmitted through the blood is not transmitted to the body. If your hands and feet are colder than others, you can avoid tight fitting clothes that interfere with blood circulation, and half body baths that warm your whole body are helpful.

■ Many people in the belly feel cold more?

It is generally known that dry people get cold. Is that right? In fact, body fat acts as an 'insulator' to help keep your body temperature from being cold. People with a lot of body fat are able to withstand the cold rather than those who lack.

If the amount of body fat is the same, is the degree of cold feeling the same? According to a study by the University of Pennsylvania in the United States, people with fat in the belly are much more vulnerable to cold than people with the same body fat. This is related to the area of ​​the skin. The skin area of ​​the limbs is much wider than the chest and abdomen. When the fat is concentrated only in the ship, the insulation effect of the limbs is lowered, and the cold gets better.

■ If you feel cold and tired without reason ...

If you do not have physical features that are vulnerable to cold, such as muscle weakness or underweight, but you feel colder than others, you should suspect that thyroid function is a problem.

The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped hormonal organ located in the lower neck. The thyroid hormones that come out here help us maintain our body's energy and body temperature. If thyroid hormone is secreted less than normal, 'hypothyroidism', you will lose metabolism and feel extreme cold and fatigue.

Especially women with severe hormonal changes such as menstruation and pregnancy are suffering from hypothyroidism. You should be careful because you often think that your body is not good or misidentify it as a different disease.
If the degree of feeling of cold becomes worse and fatigue, hair loss, muscle cramps, etc. Appear, it is necessary to look for a hospital and get a diagnosis of an expert. It is also helpful to reduce the smoking, drinking and stress factors that adversely affect the thyroid gland, and to eat moderate amounts of seaweeds such as kim, seaweed, and kelp that contain the iodine needed for thyroid hormone production.

"If suspected thyroid disease is suspected, we need to measure the exact level of hormones and analyze the cause of the disease," said Professor Chung Ho-yeon of Kyunghee University Hospital's Kyung Hee University Hospital. "If left hypothyroidism, it can affect not only complications such as hyperlipemia and heart disease but also women's infertility and fetal development," Jung said.

(Planning and composition: Song Wook, Chang Aram / Design: Chung Ho Chung)