Unbidden guest: A man from Mannheim discovered a spider in his kitchen. He had captured the animal and then identified it as a poisonous "False Widow" with the help of a related biologist, the police said. This verdict was confirmed by an expert.

The bite of the so-called False Widow (Steatoda paykulliana) could cause severe pain, said the community of interest bird tarts.

The nature conservation officer of Mannheim took the animal into custody. According to the police, such animals are usually brought to zoos or parks with spider collections. The origin of the spider remained unclear. Usually she lives in the Mediterranean.

The long-standing high temperatures in the Rhine-Neckar area lead to more animals that are not native to here, said the chairman of the Interest Community tarantula, Timm Adam. This includes the praying mantis or the zebra spider. The fear of such spiders is irrational. The animals sat in their nets and waited for prey. "You have to do a lot to be bitten by the animals."