UAE Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum said in a chapter of "My Story" 10 commandments in the government administration of officials in the Arab world.

In his "My Story," he cited these Ten Commandments

* The first commandment: serve people!

The purpose of government administration is to serve the people. The purpose of the government function is to serve the community. The purpose of the procedures, regulations and laws is to serve the people. Do not forget that. Do not glorify actions, do not sanctify laws, and do not think regimes are more important than humans.

* The second commandment: Do not worship the Holy!

Job, position and responsibility are all temporary, you will go quickly, or you will go away. Your real balance is your work and your achievement, and the more you complete your position, the higher your name, the more you love people.

If you like the chair, you will not have the courage to make decisions to lift you up and get you to the chair that follows.

* The third commandment: Put your plan!

When you do not plan, you plan to fail. Many officials live day by day, do not look beyond a week or a month, and this is one of our biggest management challenges. The key role of the leader is to know the direction, guide his team towards him, and constantly motivate them to reach it.

If you fail to make a plan, you are going without guidance, no matter where you go, because you will not reach something of value.

* The fourth commandment: Watch yourself!

Monitor performance in your organization, and make you an internal supervisor in the organization, and externally neutral. There must be indications that you are walking in the right direction to achieve the plan. Do not cheat yourself and your country by setting weak indicators and weak controls. No project can be accomplished without real and explicit indicators that you and your team require.

* The Fifth Commandment: Make Your Team!

Do not fly lonely, do not sing lonely, do not clap lonely. Make a team that carry your goals to new horizons, give up your powers to them, guide them and teach them and enable them, lift the ceiling in front of them, take out the genie in which their reward and the most important achievements.

Because the great team will take you to great places.

* The Sixth Commandment: Create or withdraw!

Governments that do not invent aging and pyramid and graduated from the race and context. Ideas renew blood, precede competitors, reduce costs, and rediscover yourself. The new economy is based on ideas, and the new world is looking for talent that carries new ideas.

There is nothing stronger than a great idea.

* The Seventh Commandment: Continue and Optimize!

Tell the world about your ambitions and abilities. Through the media you get public support for you, because they know where to go, and excuse you if you make a mistake because they knew you and your father in their service. Advertise your goals in the media because they will hold you accountable and this is in your favor, because you will make precious and good in achieving what you announced and committed to the people.

Always communicate and do not hide, the media is a friend and not an enemy, a friend of the Savior and an enemy of the lazy and corrupt.

* The Eight Commandment: Do not be non-rival!

Competitiveness is an important principle in our behavior as humans. Compete yourself or others, make the work environment a competitive environment as well,

Competitiveness is a way of life in governments.

* The Ninth Commandment: Make leaders!

Make future leaders. The real leader is the one who makes leaders, and the real institution is the leaders who graduate.

Making leaders is a secret that only men who overcame the ego and self can understand, and understand that the greatest achievement they make is building people, not stone.

* The tenth commandment: Go to build life!

We are fortunate to work in governments. Our job is not a normal job, our job is the most beautiful thing in our life, it is life. Our job is great, changing the lives of millions for the better.

Do not underestimate your role, your work or your effort. You work in making life, designing the future, and building the homelands.