On the big screen, the star will look again at Leblba, who is one of the most experienced artists in the history of Egyptian and Arab cinema and art. She has been a major producer since the time of the late artist Anwar Wagdy, until recently, with a number of young stars.

She returns to the cinema after four years of absence. She is currently participating with Egyptian artists Amir Karara, Turkish Khaled Argensh, Ghada Adel, Iyad Nassar and Amr Abdel Jalil in the film "Casablanca" directed by Peter Mimi.

With experience of "Casablanca" in particular, Al-Najmah began her dialogue with Emirates Today, touching on her artistic career with "Al-Zaeem" Adel Imam, who brought her a long journey and was the reason to enter the drama in the series «His Excellency», despite her fear of this Experience.

She said that she had been nominated for a role in Casablanca for a while, and his industry talked about the role. Then the negotiations stopped for a while and she did not know the reason. She thought that the subject was not serious, pointing out that the filmmakers started filming, and days later they returned and called her.

She added, "I agreed to participate because it is a unique experience, as well as the success of artist Amir Karara in the recent period, and the importance of the film and its technical and productivity as well."

"The series was a milestone in my artistic history, and one of the most important works. The subject was very ambiguous. I did not present in my artistic career a subject like him, nor a strange character like the character of (Mama Elham) ) That I submitted, the work was very adventurous.

The artist admitted that she was afraid of the reactions of the audience «But the reception was wonderful, and every day the episodes were a great debate on the social networking sites, and in the press, and continued the public serial of the last episode, so that knows the secret of the events of the series and personalities, and whether (Afarit) They are real people, and of course there was a great silence from the family work on any details with instructions from director Majdi Al-Hawari, and I was very happy with the experience with Farouk al-Fishawi and Dora and Ahmed Hatem and Amin Amin and all the serial family ».

"His Excellency"

For a long time, Lalba was one of those who rejected the idea of ​​running a television drama until she was encouraged to work with the leader Adel Imam, in the series "The Honorable." "The drama was totally excluded from my life, and I never thought of running until Adel Imam convinced me. I agreed because the role inspired me, and I was encouraged because it was with [the leader] and director Rami Imam and author Youssef Maati.

She concluded that experiment: "Strangely, for the first six days I was not used to filming a video or drama that contained many cameras, and the time of filming was surprised by four front cameras. That's why I was asking the director: "I say the speech?" And in any camera? .. Here and not here?). Everyone was laughing, headed by Adel Imam, and after a few days I got used to the subject and loved him very much. .

She confirmed that her artistic relationship with Adel Imam has been extended for about 40 years. Among their works are:

"Some go to the authorized twice," "Hamada and Tutu gang," "Watch out for the line," and others. "Adel Imam is ten years old, and no one can take his place in my heart and in the hearts of the public. I appreciate his long history, and with him I have produced 13 of the most beautiful films I have ever made, and the most important works of film. I am very happy to work with Al-Zaeem, as we are keeping each other by heart. At the El Gouna Festival last year, I attended the festival only to pay tribute to Adel Imam, on the first day, and I traveled on the second day for my artistic work. "

«El Gouna»

And for the second consecutive year of the El Gouna Festival. "The huge festival has already resonated since the first days of the first session and has been a leading center in Arab and international festivals. Egyptian and Arab film industry. And the most beautiful thing in the festival that highlights the beautiful face of Egypt and our wonderful beaches, and includes a large number of leading Arab and international films ».

"I have followed most of the films during the last session of El Gouna without any boredom. My only experience is watching all the films of all nationalities. For 18 years I have been traveling to the Cannes Film Festival in France and most of the artistic events have been so intense to watch films. A festival as a member of various judging committees as well ».

Support Alisa

A few months ago, the artist was keen to attend the concert of singer Elissa in the Lebanese capital Beirut, and went up with her on stage, and blessed her for her recovery. "I went to Elissa because she was sick. At first I imagined that her cancer was just a rumor, but when I was sure the news was true, I went to her to encourage her and support her, and I was eager to attend her ceremony," she said of the move. "Since my beginnings in acting, I have been aiming to present a distinctive work and a different and influential role in order to impress people, so I am working on the role without looking at the idea of ​​prizes or presentation," she said. I did not think of any awards, on the contrary, I was afraid of very adventurous, I tried to make an effort to impress the audience, and if the viewer is impressed by the sure step of the awards will be inevitable, "But public satisfaction is the most important prize."

Technical friendships

"Most of the art stars are close friends of mine, especially Yousra, Laila Alawi, Elham Shahin, and Houria Farghali, and we are always in constant contact. We ask almost daily about each other, and Nabila Obaid has a very special place , And considered it an artist has a very large history, and also has humanitarian positions with me, such as standing to my side and my mother's side during her illness, and was a permanent visit and question, so I do not forget these beautiful human attitudes ».

- «My last serial (the street which is Rana and Rana) a milestone in my artistic history».

- «(El Gouna) has resonated a great deal, and occupied an advanced position among the festivals».