The striking two-line came from the pen of FW Bernstein, he became the motto of the group of authors and caricaturists, who established a peculiar kind of humor under the name "New Frankfurt School" around the satirical magazines "Pardon" and "Titanic" Nonsense in the highest form: "The sharpest critics of the moose / were formerly themselves!" The group included artists like Chlodwig Poth, Hans Traxler and FK Waechter.

Oliver Maria Schmitt, writer and former "Titanic" editor-in-chief, certifies FW Bernstein a special position in the "Kollegium der Neue Frankfurter Schule": "He is not only the only one out of what has become decent ..., his work is that in the Group circles with a safe distance Most bulky and peculiar ".

FW Bernstein was born Fritz Weigle in 1938 in Göppingen. After graduation in 1957 he studied at the Art Academy Stuttgart, where he met Robert Gernhardt. The two began in 1962 to work sporadically for the satirical magazine "Pardon". "From 1964 they were together with FK Watcher for the" Pardon "episode" World in the mirror ", short WimS, responsible and cultivated here in Germany until there unknown art nonsense in text and picture form.

The first professor of caricature

In addition to his satirical activity, FW Bernstein also pursued his teaching career. He made humor a training subject and was appointed Professor of Caricature and Pictorial History at the University of the Arts in Berlin in 1984 - a novelty.

Incidentally, he worked freelance as a draftsman, cartoonist and writer. Among his most important works are: "Teaching Test - Report from the classroom" (1969, published under the name of Fritz Weigle) and "Bernstein's book of drawing - a Lehr-, Lust, Sach- and Fach book unparalleled" (1989). Only last year he published the poetry book "Frische Gedichte".

As a draftsman FW Bernsteins was tireless, his work was honored in numerous exhibitions. More than 3000 drawings are in the possession of the Caricatura Museum Frankfurt, in whose founding FW Bernstein participated.

The Caricatura Museum has now also announced the death of the artist. After a long illness Fritz Weigle, alias FW Bernstein died at the age of 80 years.