At the 62nd Festival for Documentary and Animated Film in Leipzig (Dok.Leipzig), the main prize in the German competition this year went to Pablo Ben Yakov for the controversial film "Lord of the Toys".

The documentary portrays a group of Dresden YouTubers who express themselves openly racist, sexist and anti-Semitic. Already the presentation of the film had urged the festival to comment: "Lord of the Toys" is accused of affirmation against the portrayed.

Festival director Leena Pasanen commented on the allegations in a press release: "We do not share the attitude that this film is affirmative, and with its precise observations and critical classification, it exposes a youth culture and its frightening language," she said.

The left coalition action "Leipzig takes place" criticized the film that "among other actors in the right scene are shown without reflection" and called for protest. In the end, the film screening on Wednesday night remained quiet in the cinema, reported the "Leipziger Volkszeitung" ("LVZ").

However, a woman from the audience had asked why a film was shot and shown in which racist, sexist and anti-Semitic slogans were heard, the "LVZ" continued. "Due to the tight schedule," no more detailed discussion could take place, said Dok.Leipzig. But there are more discussions planned with the filmmakers.

The award ceremony justified the Dok.Leipzig with the fact that the film is "smart, differentiated, extremely courageous and of a painful political explosiveness." Already last year, the festival had to justify itself for the show of the Pegida film "Mondays in Dresden".