Starlet Palema Anderson, known for playing in Alerte à Malibu or more recently for having participated in the show "Danse avec les Stars" on TF1, does not like Donald Trump. On her Twitter account, she just said everything she thinks about the President of the United States. And it's moving!

Pamela Anderson does not only dance, she knows how to "shoot"! Angry at his president, Donald Trump, the actress took the pen on his Twitter account to send some kindness. Taking advantage of the visit to France of the President of the United States, the one who now resides in Marseille split a tweet where she shares her disgust. "Hard to bite your tongue on this one" for the one who calls Donald Trump "a completely selfish idiot who has to work for the devil, a narcissistic pervert who cares only about money and glory." I hate officially this toxic character who hates the planet, this lover of arms, I am disgusted. "

It's hard to bite your tongue on this one - a completely selfish idiotic fool who must work for the devil - narcissist perv who has no look for anything but money and fame. I officially hate this toxic
planet hater -gun lover - sickening

- Pamela Anderson (@pamfoundation) November 10, 2018

Object of Pamela Anderson's wrath? The reaction of Donald Trump to the fires that are currently martyring California, with no less than 23 deaths already recorded. The US President had found nothing better than tweeting: "There is no reason for these huge fires in California, deadly and expensive, except that forest management is so inadequate. dollars are donated each year - and so many lives lost - because of mismanagement, we need to find a solution now or you will not have any more money from the central bank! "

There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor. Billions of dollars are given each year, with so many lives lost, all because of gross mismanagement of forests. Remedy now, or no more Fed payments!

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 10, 2018

Living part of the year in California, Pamela Anderson saw red in front of Trump's lack of compassion.