At the microphone of Sebastien Krebs, Friday, on Europe 1, Ilan Ferry, editor in chief of the special issue of LIRE: "Philosophy and mythology according to Game of Thrones" returns to the series phenomenon whose final season will be broadcast on April 14.

It is an appointment expected by fans almost like the Messiah. The last and last season of the Game of Thrones series , which tells the power struggles between several families determined to conquer the "Iron Throne", will be broadcast from April 14 in France and the United States. Since its launch in 2011, it has been a phenomenal success. In 2014, she became the most watched series of the HBO channel, dethroning The Sopranos. The last episode of Season 7 was followed live by 16.5 million fans in the United States, an all-time record for a television series.

For Ilan Ferry, editor-in-chief of LIRE Philosophie et mythologie by Game of Thrones , of which Europe 1 is a partner, several reasons explain this phenomenon. "At the base of the success of Game of Thrones there is already a literary saga that met a great success," he recalls at the microphone of Sebastien Krebs. "The series has attracted all fans of the literary saga, plus the newcomers who have grafted in. It's this mix of adventure, violence, sex, dragons that explains the success of the series. then at each episode, one wonders what will happen, who will die and who will resurrect.It makes people addicted.

"The series echoes the current society"

Its profound human dimension and its political side have also attracted well beyond the public "geeks". "Even if it is in a medieval world, the series echoes the current society," says Ilan Ferry. "She draws her inspiration from philosophy as well as from mythology, and even from some aspects of more traditional literature".

According to the editor-in-chief of the special issue READ, this success goes a little beyond the author of the literary saga George RR Martin. "He tries to take a little distance to focus on his work," says the journalist, one of the few to have met the author. Because if the TV series will end well is with the season 8, the writer has not finished writing his saga Game of Thrones. He has two books left to write.

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