The basis for the Nuremberg film will be previously unknown historical facts and documents received from participants in the Nuremberg process. This was reported by the producer of the future film, as well as the film "Sobibor" Elmira Ainulova.

“Our future picture is based on unique testimonies collected by those who have been deeply involved in studying the events of the Nuremberg process for many decades,” Ainulov quotes TASS.

According to her, the film based on real historical events should contribute to the development of the success of Konstantin Khabensky's painting “Sobibor”. In addition, a film about the Nuremberg process will provide an opportunity to reliably highlight and popularize objective historical events.

“Our creative team managed to return from nothingness the feat of the heroes of Sobibor, when in some regions of the world they began to“ forget ”that not only the complete defeat of the Nazi regime, but also the catastrophe of European Jewry, in particular, the physical destruction of Jews in death factories, stopped Red Army, ”she added.

It is expected that the shooting of "Nuremberg" will be engaged in the same creative team that worked on the painting by Konstantin Khabensky.

“The global success of our film“ Sobibor ”showed the relevance of topics related to the condemnation of fascism, not only in Russia, but throughout the world - in Europe, the USA, Asia and Australia ... Therefore, I am confident that our creative team can also“ Nuremberg “- Producer told RIA Novosti.

On December 12, Russian Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky during a meeting of the Victory organizing committee, chaired by President Vladimir Putin, said that Russian filmmakers, in collaboration with filmmakers from all Nuremberg Trials countries, would shoot a film about the international tribunal on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. The tape with the working title "Nuremberg" will be devoted to the activities of the Soviet counterintelligence in the postwar period.

"It seems to us that one of the elements of the celebration of the 75th anniversary could be the premiere of the film" Nuremberg ", devoted to the activities of Soviet counterintelligence in the post-war years," Medina RIA Novosti quoted as saying.

During the meeting of the organizing committee, the head of the department said that, to date, the theme of the Nuremberg process is covered in foreign works and cinema is biased. In particular, he noted that the United States often demonstrates the outcome of the process as its personal victory, leveling the role of the Soviet Union.

Putin, in turn, supported the initiative and said that he would discuss the project with Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov.

  • Frame from the film "Nuremberg process", 1961
  • ©

Historical process

The trial of a group of Nazi war criminals took place in the German city of Nuremberg from November 20, 1945 to October 1, 1946. The trial was held at the International Military Tribunal, specially created on the basis of the London Agreement of August 8, 1945 between the USSR, the USA, Great Britain and France.

During the Nuremberg trial, 12 representatives of Nazi Germany’s leading positions were sentenced to execution, and another seven defendants received ten years ’imprisonment until life imprisonment. According to the results of the tribunal, the SS organizations, the Reichsführer Security Service of the SS, as well as the police of the Third Reich (Gestapo) and the leadership of the Nazi party were declared criminal.

Like any significant historical event, the Nuremberg process is reflected in works of literature and cinema.

For example, the 1961 Nuremberg Trials film with Montgomery Clift and Marlene Dietrich, the 1971 Polish film Nürnberg Epilogue, and the 2000 American television series Alec Baldwin Nürnberg devoted to the international tribunal. The situation around the Nuremberg process was also covered in the 2011 Russian television series “Contrintrigue” with Mikhail Porechenkov, Sergey Astakhov and Yulia Snigir.

In addition, there are many documentaries about the process, including Russian tapes “Nuremberg. Last fight "," Nuremberg. The process, which could not be ", a series of documentary films by Alexander Zvyagintsev, a picture taken in France" Nuremberg. The Nazis in the face of their crimes ", as well as the German film" The Nuremberg Trials "and others.