A highly anticipated agreement by professionals on the "chronology of the media", which will reduce "several months" deadlines for showing movies on television and online platforms, was signed Friday announced the Ministry of Culture.

An immediate entry into force. "This agreement comes into effect immediately and will be the object in the next few days of an extension order signed by the Minister of Culture, which will make it mandatory for the entire sector for a period of three years" , says the ministry in its release.

>> READ ALSO - Exploitation des films: what is the chronology of the media?

Fight against piracy. In detail, the agreement shortens "by several months" the time of diffusion of the films on television and on platforms of Netflix type. It guarantees "all viewers permanent access to the movies" and "contributes to the fight against piracy by making the works available more quickly", explains the ministry. It aims to modernize the "chronology of the media", the system that frames in France the successive exploitation of films in cinemas, on DVD, on television and on streaming platforms.

Difficult negotiations The current rules, set in 2009, had to evolve to take account in particular of the irruption of Netflix and GAFA (the digital giants) in the audiovisual landscape. But negotiations between the various actors in the sector (producers, cinema operators, television channels, authors' societies, etc.) had stumbled for several years.

To speed up the file, the former Minister of Culture Françoise Nyssen had initiated this year a mediation, threatening to legislate if the professionals could not get along. But, while an agreement was imminent in September, Canal + had slammed the door of the part of the negotiations on its obligations to finance French cinema, which conditioned the revision of the chronology of the media. A compromise was finally found in early November, under the aegis of the current Minister of Culture Franck Riester.