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The stage of political conflict in Iraq has entered the most serious stage. The blind and the ignorant, even the deaf and the dumb, see and hear and know that the parties of the political process are connected to international bodies that are working to support them and to finance them and help them to gain the gains in Iraq and the international division on the file of the region, including Iraq. Iran and Russia and their allies and the second is the United States and Britain and their allies, it is incumbent on the Iraqi parties to show their position and align with the party that has loyalty, which caused fragmentation of alliances that were built on the basis of sectarian and national over the previous years, Shiite and rode a pure Sunni alliance sincere and even the Kurdish house coherent and fragmented Kurds were forced to split the alliance with two different teams.

The same is true of the Turkomans, meaning that the political process in Iraq changed after everyone thought that Tehran had taken full control of Iraq and that its opponents had no presence on the ground. This was confirmed by former Prime Minister Haider Abadi, who said in a television interview this week that "Iran Has effective tools on the ground in contrast to the United States, which is not active in Iraq and can not be the largest US official to grant him a visa to enter America, while a small Iranian official can facilitate all actions quickly, "Abadi said this speech and on his face expressions of American humiliation to him, Second mandate because of his support Of the US sanctions on Iran, the position that received a direct Iranian rebuke because of it and did not move the US administration to keep a face or even a supporter of sacrificed to win support and support.

Perhaps the overthrow of the British-born Abadi and the leadership of the Supreme Council of the Islamic Revolution, the political body in Iraq, the most loyal to Iran because of ideological and intellectual affiliation, in addition to support and establishment in Iran, and this is a good reason for the new prime minister to announce in three consecutive weekly conferences that Iraq is not within the system US sanctions on Iran and rejects foreign dictates, at a time when the United States is trying to force him to stop importing electricity, gas and fuel from Iran after giving him a 45-day deadline to find the alternative followed by the imposition of major companies Production of electric power to invest in Iraq, in addition to the dispatch of the Minister of Energy, accompanied by 50 senior investors, mostly in the field of energy and oil to close the door to Iran and the control of the Iraqi market.

The Iranian pursuit of full domination of the various "political, social, economic and security" areas of Iraq and countries in the region has threatened the interests of the two allied countries

Perhaps this is the only file that Washington could win over Tehran in Iraq, where in recent years it has been doing nothing more than make deals and get the biggest amount of money that it itself has from countries where its influence is slowly dying. The nature and divisions of Iraqi society, as well as its tools on the ground despite its military withdrawal for many years.

The Iraqis know the British well since the occupation of the beginning of the last century and remained the roots of the British extended in black countries through projects directly linked to their intelligence, and the Iraqis call the British title of "Abu Naji," as aware of the sons of Mesopotamia, especially specialists in political affairs the size of British influence in Iraq and nature The influence of this influence from time to time, and this is what distinguishes the old kingdom from the newly assembled states. Projects for London do not die over time and continue to feed them to move the threads in the region between them Washington is working chaotic and random made it elected In most of the files she has locked herself in. The alliance between the extremes is like carrying a young, old, intelligent man, helping each other with his potential.

Iran's pursuit of full domination of the various political, social, economic and security spheres in Iraq and other countries in the region has threatened the interests of the two allies, especially after Britain has shed its problems with the European Union and rearranged its foreign interests. The latter, having recently been forced to close its consulate in Basra under the threat of missiles supported by Iran and was forced to exclude Iraq from the sanctions on Iran in part to know the difficulty of total application at the present time, although even in partial difficulty in the Tbaiq, as well as trying to outsource NATO for the rehabilitation of Iraqi forces, but delay the deployment of NATO military bases in Iraq, interpreted as fear of exposure to attacks by forces loyal to Iran and has thousands of fighters on the ground in addition to the heavy military equipment.

This Iranian dossier on American interests in Iraq is not forgotten except by the ally Abu Naji, where Iraqis call this name on the English because of what was transferred by the merchant Baghdadi Jewish Abu Naji, which was "Miss Bill" visit him in his house overlooking the Tigris and contains a beautiful garden, Where he meets with his friends and transfer them to the news and what the British governor intends to do, Vathi Abu Naji that news to the street Baghdadi accurate news of the accuracy of its source, where the British secretary of the British governor of Iraq and one of the most influential figures in the Iraqi file that period.

The results of the intervention of Abu Naji "Britain" began to appear on the scene, where the British ambassador, who fluently spoke Arabic fluently a large work tour meetings in several cities of Iraq to rearrange the papers of his country, which has important strands in public opinion through its support to a number of centers and sites and institutions Which is influential in public opinion, but that is not enough. The speed to contain the tide of Iranian hegemony requires winning parties ready for its masses and its representation of the government and the deputies was the direction towards the Sadr and Hakim, which Iran left aside, and relied on their rivals to sit on the throne of power and money and power, Yum and giving them the green light stopped the completion of the ministerial cabin of the government of Adel Abdul Mahdi, as planned by Iran.

And divided the Shiite political class, which has been on the throne of power for years, to exacerbate the differences and conflicts until it reached the physical liquidation between the two sides and then reached flames of fire to the provinces built on the basis of consensus between the parties and the Shiite blocs to withdraw the alliance and Sadr Hakim governor of Baghdad under the Dawa Party son spoiled Tehran Which is on the throne of power in Iraq from 2006 to 2018 and from Baghdad to Basra a similar scenario.

Qassem Soleimani, Mujtaba Khamenei and Hassan Dannaei fled and other active leaders of the Iraqi file will have to ignite the armed confrontation in order to delay their loss in Iraq unless there is a dispute between Abu Naji and al-Auj

The island

While the attention is drawn to next Tuesday's session, in which the Alliance, which is close to Iran, seeks to pass the names it has nominated to the security ministries, specifically the head of the former popular crowd and the national security adviser Faleh al-Fayadh, who has not nominated the Fatah alliance as a replacement for him so far despite his veto from another bloc In the forefront of which is the Sadr bloc, which said a deputy that the objection is not only the name of Fayyad, but the balance in the ministries and benefits in a clear signal that the eyes of the Sadr Ministry of the Interior, which controls the control of the security of Iraq and the most ministry suffered by the Sadrists, Ra against them and beat them in the light of the great international support received by Sadr in this period, and the other side's insistence on the minister does not have the best chance of admissibility to get the ministry.

Abu Naji won many of these events, where he rearranged his papers in the presence of a suitable ground for his work and the presence of a strong American ally but does not have a mechanism to deal with the community and the Iraqi file in general, and the success of Prime Minister Teresa Mai out of under the workers Moss will favor this The expansion project, especially since it established a large military base in the Gulf to support its projects in the region, which often coincide with the projects of its American ally.

In this conflict and the eruption of the war of breaking the bones between the heads of control of Iraq since its occupation, it seems that the scenario of armed clash in the central and southern Iraq before any external intervention to control the situation and control of the ground, Iraq today is the first line of defense for the Iranian regime and the mobilization has been going on for years Attempts to intervene outside the Iraqi territory Despite the government's declaration not to allow the territory of Iraq to be the scene of an attack on any country, who will win the battle on the ground will be the decision in this and any statement or position of the Iraqi government will not depart from the circle of influential who has the final word in this regard.

It seems that Kassem Soleimani, Mujtaba Khamenei and Hassan Dannaei have fled and other active leaders in the Iraqi file will have to ignite the armed confrontation in order to delay their loss in Iraq unless there is a disagreement between Abu Naji and al-Aujo and the blood of the allies of Iran again in the country of Rashid, The largest oil reserves in Iraq recently, which means that the British intervention saved America from the loss of great wealth would go to calculate the Iranian dream of expansion.