The fire brigade helped a man in the Polish city of Świnoujście, whose penis got stuck in a ball bearing. This is reported by the "Ostsee-Zeitung" and the "Nordkurier".

According to the newspaper "Ostsee-Zeitung" on New Year's Eve the doctors of a hospital called the fire brigade because the doctors could not help the man. The ball bearing is stuck firmly on the swollen penis. The man had obviously used it as a sex toy.

The fire brigade was obviously struggling with the task: "It turned out that the use of a circular saw is not a good solution, it was too big," quotes the "Ostsee-Zeitung" a spokesman for the fire department. Finally, both rings of the ball bearing were cut with an angle grinder.

A fireman watched the ball bearing with a thermal imaging camera to make sure it was not getting too hot. The operation took almost an hour, according to Nordkurier.