It's not often that in a political talk, the original topic is wiped off the table by a very different question. Asked Maybrit Illner "to Bayern" and "before Hesse" actually only: "How quickly expires Merkel's power?" At a snail's pace? In the pig gallop? There were answers to something completely different - the fate of the people's parties in general.

Abmoderation of the evening : Claudia Kade of the "world" makes an effort and predicts that the Chancellor question "to Hessen" will ask: Because then breaks the "peace, which one now wants to concede to the campaigners." Robert Habeck: "That Mrs. Merkel is finished and has to resign, I have been hearing since 2013." Thus, the topic is off.

Hesse of the evening : Curiously enough NRW Prime Minister Armin Laschet, who jumps his election-fighting CDU colleagues Volker Bouffier in Wiesbaden quite unprecedented. In terms of crime, Hesse was his role model, because he would like to "come to comparable figures" in his state. Hessen would also be in a good economic position, which goes to the account of the co-governing Greens. Conclusion: "If the grand coalition in Berlin would work as concentrated as the one in Hessen for just one week, then much would have been won."

Voice # 70 - In the GroKo Trap: How to Stuck Union and SPD in the Deep

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Bayer of the evening : Naturally Alexander Dobrindt. The CSU country group chief would like to skip the matter of the "analysis" and talk about a "stable formation of government". This is a breeze, he says, but there is a clear majority in Bavaria "of 65 percent" for the bourgeois camp. Geez.

Calculator of the evening : Habeck puts his hands over his face and attacks Dobrindt: "Do you know what you have just done? She has just counted the AfD as a bourgeois camp." That's the only way to get 65 percent.

In-Fight of the evening : Is formed between Dobrindt and Habeck. Dobrindt rows wordy and in complicated curves back. The AfD, that is a party on the right edge and so on. But Habeck insists: "If the AfD is not a bourgeois party, the bourgeois camp has not won." With the Habeck's pistol on his chest, Dobrindt finally admits: "The AfD is not a bourgeois party", but insists on a "bourgeois majority". Habeck expresses: "You can not pass two statements that contradict each other as one statement! That's nonsense!"

Lost post of the evening : Olaf Scholz, vice-chancellor, with a view to Hesse and his for nine years "renewing" SPD "does not think that we are in free fall." In fact, at best, polls give rise to the possibility of a coalition of strong Greens, weaker SPD and tolerating leftists. Andrea Ypsilanti, if she should have seen the show, smiled at home on the sofa.

Thesis of the evening : Is the end of the People's Party as we know it . People's Party, Professor Habeck points out, is "a simulation", comparable perhaps with the "matrix", which would "level out all differences in a party". The opposite is true of political scientist Ursula Münch. The core problem of the SPD is that it fought more for "the others" than for the "own people".

Courtesy of the evening : Olaf Scholz explains the "practical humanism" of the SPD in the refugee question - who may, may; those who are not allowed to go home - accuse the political scientist of having become "political". She had "left the frame of science a little bit, which is fine, but they should say so".

People's party of the evening : According to Laschet the CDU. It was there, for example, that such conflicting interests as those of employers and employees "to organize within a party towards the common good".

Coalition of the evening : Habeck greenens the debate with the credo: "The party will win", in Hesse, in the future, in general, "which sets similar radical concepts to the radicality of change". Laschet is enthusiastic: "Maybe you can really do it, as Mr. Habeck has just described, to exercise politics!"

Pipe rider of the evening : Illner: "Has Horst Seehofer missed the moment to divorce in dignity from the Cabinet?" Lashes: "No."

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