They do not stop sharing their worries and demands in the world. For weeks, students in many countries have taken to the streets to work for more climate protection. Also this Friday again.

The majority of demos take place during class time. But are students allowed to dodge to demonstrate?

While Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier praised the protesters, comes from the ranks of the CDU also criticism. The FDP federal chairman Christian Lindner said that students lack the necessary skills to have a say in climate protection. Scientists, however, disagree: more than 12,000 researchers support the movement in a joint statement.

What do those who stand on classes on Fridays to teach? Three teachers have told the SPIEGEL if they find it right when their students join the "Fridays For Future".

Arne Ulbricht, teacher and author in Wuppertal

"Politicians in Germany seem to be concerned only with preventing driving bans, they do not just care about the climate, no, they drive the planet fully conscious against the wall, and many voters are grateful for that.

Are students really different? How many let their parents use the SUV for handball training instead of taking the bus or the bike. They are also thrilled when the parents are planning their skiing holiday. You could also tell them that they no longer feel like racing down dirt roads.

But what about the students who are serious? They should definitely go out on the street! And not just her, but all people. But this does not have to be on strike during the class time, but there should be Monday demonstrations as in the former GDR. From 17 o'clock. Every week. In this way, the GDR has been overthrown. Perhaps this will also make it possible to change climate policy to a correct climate protection policy. "

Michaela Brandt, elementary school teacher in Hamburg

"I think the protests are good, we do not need shrink-wrapped cucumbers, but if politics and the economy are not under pressure, nothing will change, so it's great when students are committed to the environment and to climate change.

However, I also see the distress the school authorities are getting into. You are required to insist on compulsory education. Otherwise, anyone who wants to protest against Brexit or against xenophobia or save a cow during class can come. That simply does not work.

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However, it is weak when the authorities leave the schools to decide whether to sanction the students. They should be consistent: anyone who stays away from class to attend a demo should get an entry in the class book.

At the same time, authorities and teachers should also offer their students concrete alternatives. They might say, "We support your cause, but let's demonstrate together on Saturdays, and then there are many people in the cities we reach anyway.

Teachers could also consider with their students: What exactly can each individual do in everyday life for environmental protection? How can you publicize and implement these ideas? For example, they could set up student councils to discuss concrete measures with politicians or discuss with business representatives how the economy can better respect environmental and climate protection.

In any case, you should use the energy of young people instead of just being or against and hiding behind phrases, rules and apparent impossibilities. "

Georg Hengst, Headmaster at the Catholic Vocational College in Essen

"With so many school principals beating two hearts in one's chest these days, one is the District Government's e-mail, which clearly prohibits approval of announced weekly participation in demonstrations, and on the other hand, there is a need for To stand up for climate protection so that it will preserve and protect a world.

It is clear that the weekly participation in demonstrations violates the agreements in the school contract and can therefore not be approved by the school principal colleagues. It leads to consequences for the students who regularly stay away from teaching.

Probably one or the other headmaster himself has experience in participating in demonstrations and formerly missed lessons or seminars himself or was missing without excuse, would excuse the absences of demonstrating students so.

It is undisputed that the concerns of both sides are justified. But how can you enable students to participate without violating their duties?

For my vocational college in Essen, the service instructions of the district government have legal validity. This has been made known to the students through an extraordinary meeting.

For us, the question remains as to why the demonstration is not postponed to the early afternoon or joint actions of classes and courses of several schools are planned on an action day.

The negative connotation of truancy would then be off the table and in the many discussions would bring the urgent need for climate protection measures back into the foreground.

'If not now, when?', Herbert Grönemeyer recently sang with a few thousand concertgoers in the Cologne Lanxess Arena and he is absolutely right, time is running out. "