The developer who owns the properties wants to replace the houses from the beginning of the 20th century with new, larger apartment houses. In December, the politicians in the Köpings community building committee granted both demolition and building permits for both properties.

But the decisions have received some attention. The Buyers have been involved in newspaper submissions, social media and in name gathering. Something even Bärgslagsbladet reported on.

Many believe that the municipality - rather than protecting old buildings that also contribute to an attractive city center - in this way allows the city's history to be "built away".

Committee Chair: Stan must be developed

But according to the municipality, it's all a pretty straightforward story.

Neither demolition or construction is contrary to current regulations. The developer has the right to exploit the properties in accordance with the current detailed plan and the plans presented and the documentation are considered to be in accordance with it.

- Some think so, others think so. I think the town must evolve. We get eight new attractive and central apartments, and that's a positive! says Ola Saaw (M) chairman of the community building committee in the clip.

There is disagreement, among other things, about how the old houses are doing. While the information to the municipality says that they are in poor condition and have damage to settlements, residents in the immediate area mean that they are in good condition. Photo: SVT