Food and sleep affect the body's energy. The hours of sleep we received the night before play an important role in feeling tired or not, and food supplies the body with the energy necessary to perform vital functions.

To keep your blood sugar and energy levels evenly throughout the day, a snack is recommended every two to three hours.

Here's a look at some fast-food foods:

Caffeine - coffee or tea in the morning - not only stimulates the central nervous system, boosting brain function, but also a major source of antioxidants and may potentially boost the reduction of type 2 diabetes and liver disease.

Peppermint leaves: Mint increases the ability to breathe and concentrate oxygen in the brain, which can lead to increased energy and therefore is an excellent stimulating food in the middle of the day to pass the afternoon.

Ginger: Ginger is said to reduce fatigue by improving blood circulation and blood sugar levels. This aromatic food may also help migraine patients, which can be compared even to sumatriptan but have few side effects.

Adding certain foods to the diet on a regular basis can increase one's total energy in the long run.

Quinoa: The most protein-rich, whole-grain protein that contains all the nine essential amino acids the body needs. Quinoa contains iron among other things that can help boost brain function because the brain takes about 20 percent of our blood oxygen It also contains riboflavin (vitamin B2) that improves energy metabolism within the brain and muscle cells and thus helps to create adequate energy production in cells.

Dark chocolate: contains caffeine as well as theobromine, which help in boosting energy levels, and the darker the chocolate, the less sugar in it and the greater potential boost of energy.

Berries are an excellent source of melatonin (a natural sleep hormone) that can help get a good night's sleep to keep you refreshed all day.

Dry Fruits: An excellent source of fast energy, and contains a lot of essential nutrients including vitamin A, B6, C and D.