Teeth become yellowish, especially with age, because when the enamel of the outer teeth is worn out, the yellow dentin - the tissue that is sintered under the enamel - becomes clearer.

In this report, published by the website Healthline, writer Erica Sereno said that there are seven natural options to get rid of the yellow color of the teeth, and you can adopt some of them throughout the week until you find the right option for you.

Cleaning teeth
The first plan is to brush your teeth more than before and in the right way, especially after eating foods and drinks that can leave a yellow color on the teeth.

Therefore, teeth should be cleaned at least twice a day for between two and three minutes, in addition to the need to clean them in a circular motion to ensure the protection of the gums, while cleaning the internal and external surfaces and molars.

Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide
The use of paste made from baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to remove calcification of teeth and bacteria helps to get rid of stains.

You can mix one tablespoon of baking soda with two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to make toothpaste.

A 2012 study found that people who used toothpaste containing baking soda and peroxide got rid of tooth stains and were able to whiten their teeth.

Using a paste made from baking soda helps get rid of stains (German)

Lemon, orange or banana peel
Some people claim that rubbing lemon, orange, or banana peels on the teeth will make them whiter.Demon limonene, found in some fruit peels, is thought to help whiten teeth, so rub fruit peels gently on your teeth for two minutes, then be sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly. With water and brush your teeth afterwards.

People who used a de-limonene paste with a whitening formula to brush their teeth twice a day for four weeks have been able to significantly reduce smoking stains.

Long-term stains from smoking or tea drinking have not completely disappeared, so further studies are needed to determine the effectiveness of de-limonene alone.

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil removes calcification of teeth and bacteria from the mouth, which helps to whiten teeth, by placing one or two teaspoons of liquid coconut oil in your mouth for 10 to 30 minutes.

But do not let the oil reach the bottom of your throat and do not swallow it because it contains toxins and bacteria that were in your mouth, but you spit, then rinse your mouth and drink a glass of water and clean your teeth after.

Coconut oil removes calcification of teeth and bacteria from the mouth (Getty Images)
Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can be used in very small amounts to whiten teeth by mixing two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar with 6 ounces of water, then rinse with this solution for 30 seconds, gargle with water and clean your teeth afterwards.

Active coal
You can use active charcoal to remove stains from your teeth because of its high absorption and elimination of bacteria and toxins inside your mouth.

Open the active charcoal capsule and apply its content to your toothbrush.

At a later stage, spit the charcoal.You can also mix the active charcoal with a small amount of water and use it as a mouthwash for two minutes, then spit it out and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water after using it.

Active coal has a high ability to eliminate bacteria by mouth (Getty Images)

Water-rich fruits and vegetables
Eating raw fruits and vegetables that are rich in water can help keep your teeth healthy.Water helps cleanse your teeth and gums from sediments, plaques and bacteria that cause yellowing.

Eating fruits and vegetables at the end of each meal is likely to boost saliva production, helping to remove food particles stuck in your teeth.During a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is good for your teeth and overall health, but we lack sufficient scientific evidence to support these claims.

Causes of yellowing teeth
Many factors lead to yellowing of teeth, such as smoking and certain foods or beverages such as blueberries, coffee or tea, and a diet rich in sugar and simple carbohydrates exposes teeth to yellowing.

Other factors include side effects of certain drugs, certain types of mouthwash, excessive use of fluoride, lack of dental care and oral hygiene, heredity and aging.

The author stressed the need for careful attention to oral hygiene and dental examination regularly, and if you try these methods in vain, you should consult a dentist to help you diagnose the most appropriate treatment.