Wearing new clothes is a traditional Chinese custom during the New Year. The horse-faced skirt in Hanfu combines the simple beauty of classical and modern styles, and can also match the popular wearing needs of contemporary young people, making the horse-faced skirt a hot trend in Chinese style fashion this year.

  During the Spring Festival, the Tianjie New Year Festival in Luoyang, Henan Province was wonderfully staged. At the scene, performers and tourists wearing horse-faced skirts and other Han costumes can be seen everywhere.

  In Caoxian County, Shandong Province, during the Spring Festival, gorgeous and majestic Hanfu performances reappeared the millennium elegance. In interviews, many consumers said that in the past, more Hanfu enthusiasts wore Hanfu, but now Hanfu styles such as horse-faced skirts are becoming more and more common, and they hope to promote traditional Chinese culture in this way.

  "New Year's jersey" horse-faced skirt is popular in the Spring Festival market

  This year’s Spring Festival, the “New Year jersey” horse-faced skirt has led to a wave of traditional cultural consumption. How popular are horse-faced skirts? The reporter visited the production and sales companies of horse-faced skirts.

  Caoxian County, Shandong Province is one of the production and sales bases of Hanfu in my country, with annual sales of Hanfu exceeding 7 billion yuan. This year, the sales of Year of the Dragon New Year clothes, mainly horse-faced skirts, in Caoxian County have exceeded 300 million yuan.

  Big data from multiple e-commerce platforms shows that since January this year, the search volume for Hanfu has skyrocketed. Among them, the horse-faced skirt has become the most popular item in the Hanfu category, with sales of many hot-selling items exceeding one million yuan. . However, the sales of horse-faced skirts are booming, but it has become a "happiness trouble" for horse-faced skirt manufacturers.

  Zhang Mingqiang, general manager of Xucun Mingqi Fabric Factory in Haining City, Jiaxing, Zhejiang, told reporters that the continuous flow of orders every day makes him very happy, but the endless orders make him very troubled. Currently, he still owes customers more than 30,000 horse-face skirt orders.

  CCTV reporter Zhang Daofeng: At this horse-faced skirt manufacturer in Xucun, Jiaxing, it takes less than 2 hours at the fastest from the fabric of the horse-faced skirt to the ready-made garments. But even with such work efficiency, the company The current production capacity cannot meet the current order demand for horse-faced skirts.

  Expanding production capacity has become Zhang Mingqiang's current top priority. He told reporters that they have recently launched new laser cutting equipment and continue to optimize the production process and improve efficiency. At the same time, the purchase of equipment and recruitment of employees are in progress, striving to triple production capacity in the shortest possible time after the Spring Festival holiday, in an effort to meet the continuous demand for orders.