
In northern Israel, “all there is on the horizon is Lebanon”

Gaza still under bombs, and to a lesser extent, northern Israel too. Every day, Lebanese Hezbollah fires projectiles towards Israeli border communities. Attacks “ 

in support of the Palestinians 

,” he said. Since the start of the war, some 80,000 Israelis living near the Lebanese-Israeli border have been displaced on orders from the army. Report from a kibbutz in the north of the country.

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An Israeli soldier positioned at a checkpoint near Kibbutz Sasa, not far from Lebanon, on October 17, 2023, a few days after the Hamas attack. AFP - JALAA MAREY

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From our special correspondent returning from northern Israel,

Sami Boukhelifa


All there is on the horizon is Lebanon.

 » Franco-Israelis Shmuel and Yaelle live here on Kibbutz Sasa. They are on the front line.

We're not going to hang around, because it's dangerous. The main risk is RPG fire. We got hit once. Suddenly there was a big boom. And there was a hole in the wall of the auditorium.

Yaelle prefers to laugh about it. There was material damage, but no casualties. The 400 inhabitants of the kibbutz were evacuated immediately after October 7.

Yaelle and Shmuel come back from time to time. But there is no question of leaving their paradise nestled in the mountains, where they have lived for 50 years.

Not long ago, my daughter told us: we have European passports, we're leaving! I said: OK, but in the United States, there is going to be Trump. In France, there will most certainly be Marine Le Pen. And in Italy: it's the extreme right. We are good here.

With Hezbollah as a neighbor… 

” jokes Shmuel.

For Yaelle, war was never a solution: “ 

We are people of the left. And for my part, I think there is only one solution, namely talks. We will find an agreement. They will stop thinking that all the Jews must be thrown into the sea. And that the State of Israel has no right to exist. 


I'm not convinced, but I think we should try.

Yaelle and Shmuel are aware of this, their voice is marginal in Israel. Especially since the October 7 attack silenced the peace camp: the inhabitants of the southern kibbutzim neighboring Gaza, killed by Hamas.

To rereadAt the border of Lebanon, war seems inevitable for these Israelis


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