Beijing's 160 key projects started construction in the first quarter

Focusing on five areas including the construction of modern industrial systems, post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, and improvement of flood control capabilities, the total investment is approximately 247.8 billion yuan.

  Beijing News (Reporter Geng Ziye) Early in the morning on January 27, in the A1 plot of Cuihu Science and Technology Park, Xibeiwang Town, Haidian District, excavators and slag transport vehicles were ready to go. Soon, this place will become The artificial intelligence innovation park of more than 145,000 square meters integrates an artificial intelligence public computing platform, a large model R&D center and an intelligent product transformation center. At the scene, 160 key projects in Beijing in the first quarter of this year were announced to start construction at the same time, making a good start to the first quarter.

  The reporter noticed that the Beijing 2024 plan report mentioned that Beijing will continue to implement the “3 100” city key projects, promote the start of construction of 160 major urban projects on a quarterly basis, and plan to attract more than 50 companies with a total investment of more than 50 billion-yuan major projects. The "3 100" city key projects mentioned here include 100 scientific and technological innovation modernization industry projects, 100 infrastructure projects and 100 people's livelihood improvement projects.

  Among the 160 major projects currently under construction in the first quarter, 30 projects are the "3 100" city key projects, and the others are district-level projects. Han Wei, director of the Investment Department of the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, said that focusing on the "good start" in the first quarter, Beijing has focused on promoting the construction of 160 key projects in the first quarter with large investment volume, obvious demonstration effects, certain influence, and strong regional driving force. The total investment of the project is approximately 247.8 billion yuan, focusing on five areas: the construction of a modern industrial system, the construction of a modern infrastructure system, the implementation of urban renewal actions, practical things that benefit people's livelihood and warm people's hearts, as well as post-disaster recovery and reconstruction and improvement of flood control capabilities. According to the arrangement of 160 projects per quarter, 640 major projects will be completed in the four quarters of this year.

Visit 1

Zhongguancun Artificial Intelligence Innovation Park

The computing power of Cuihu Artificial Intelligence Public Platform will exceed 4000P

  The Zhongguancun Artificial Intelligence Innovation Park, which broke ground on January 27, is located in the cutting-edge science and technology development corridor of Beiqing Road. The Cuihu Artificial Intelligence Public Computing Platform has already taken shape, with two floors above ground and one underground floor, with a total area of ​​15,000 square meters. meters, all used in artificial intelligence computing power. According to the plan, the platform can achieve a computing power scale of 1,500P this year. Once completed, it will achieve a computing power scale of more than 4,000P.

  Zhao Kuo, the person in charge of the Zhongguancun Artificial Intelligence Innovation Park, told reporters that the entire project is expected to be completed in 2026. After the project is completed, it will help Haidian District accelerate the construction of an artificial intelligence benchmark area.

  As one of the 160 key projects in the first quarter of this year, Zhongguancun Artificial Intelligence Innovation Park is representative. The reporter learned that among the projects started in the first quarter, it focused on the construction of modern industrial systems, and also started construction of 26 modern industrial projects including Tsinghua Guozhong Changping Base and Yongfeng Industrial Park Phase II, with a total investment of 38 billion yuan.

  Focusing on building a modern industrial system, this year Beijing will also start the construction of the Huairou Comprehensive National Science Center’s “14th Five-Year Plan” science and technology facilities platform, accelerate the construction of Zhongguancun Science City International Medical Valley, Changping Robot Industrial Park and other projects, and complete the Beijing Artificial Intelligence Public Computing Center. Power platform, New National Exhibition Phase II and other projects.

Visit 2

Lize Digital Financial Technology Demonstration Park

Provide more than 250 talent apartments for high-end financial talents

  In the Lize Financial Business District in Nancheng, the Lize Digital Financial Technology Demonstration Park is currently under construction. The demonstration park is located in the southern district of Lize Business District, between the second and third rings. It is the gateway to the southwest and the last commercial land in Lize South District. The construction projects include business buildings, commercial complexes and talent apartments. They will focus on emerging financial industry fields such as digital renminbi, digital finance, and digital supervision, and create a new highland for digital financial technology demonstration.

  Li Sheng, chairman of Lize Financial Business District Holding Group Co., Ltd., told reporters that two of the buildings are talent apartments, each with an area of ​​20,000 square meters, and a total of more than 250 units. They are different from commercial buildings and are mainly provided for high-end financial talents. . Lize New District gathers leading financial companies. These companies gather high-end financiers and have high requirements for the quality of their residences. Talent apartments will be de-realized and high-end talents must pass the review of the Lize Business District Management Committee. Qualified to purchase and priced below market price. The construction of the talent apartment will help achieve a work-housing balance and create a 24-hour international business and life time zone. The project plans a total investment of 13.4 billion yuan and is expected to be completed in June 2027.

  Speaking of the overall development of Lize Financial and Business District, Li Sheng said that Lize is still a "youth". The southern district has just completed the supply of all commercial land and will release six office buildings of 800,000 square meters in the future. The north district has just started , will provide an industrial scale of 2.5 million square meters, and this "youth" will continue to release development space and power.

  This year, Beijing will focus on stimulating the vitality of social investment, accelerate the improvement of investment and financing mechanisms, implement a new mechanism for cooperation between government and social capital, promote the implementation of a number of projects, form demonstration models, and publicly promote private capital through various channels with a total investment of more than 200 billion yuan. For major projects, research and innovate government investment support methods to better support technological innovation and industrial development.

Visit 3

Beijing BOE Hospital

Will provide patients with one-stop full health management based on systemic diseases.

  Beijing BOE Hospital, located in Doudian Town, Fangshan District, has started construction and will be built according to the standards of a tertiary general hospital. It will add 1,500 beds after completion. The entire project is divided into two phases. The first phase of the project currently under construction has 1,000 beds. It mainly constructs emergency rooms, outpatient clinics (including fever clinics), inpatient hospitals, medical technology centers, rehabilitation centers and various supporting facilities and equipment rooms. The building scale is 220,000 square meters. The total investment in the project is approximately 5.3 billion yuan and is expected to be completed in December 2026.

  Zhang Wei, senior vice president of BOE Group, told reporters that the hospital will break the traditional medical model and build a new hierarchical diagnosis and treatment system of "at home for minor illnesses, in the community for chronic diseases, and in the hospital for serious illnesses" to connect hospitals with families and communities. To realize this model, hospitals will use technologies such as the Internet of Things as support, collect data through wearable devices and other methods, and combine patients’ life information, family information, physiological information and hospital big data to carry out health management and chronic disease management. manage. Zhang Wei said that currently, some smart devices have been applied in actual diagnosis and treatment, which can realize real-time monitoring of blood pressure. The hospital has also made new breakthroughs in its operation methods. Systemic diseases are divided into hospital departments. This is different from the current simple internal medicine and surgery, and provides patients with one-stop full health management. When a patient with a heart disease comes to the hospital for medical treatment, he no longer needs to consider whether it is a cardiology department or a cardiac surgery department. He can go directly to the cardiovascular center, where a general cardiovascular expert will propose an overall diagnosis and treatment plan.

  Among the projects started in the first quarter, in addition to Beijing BOE Hospital, which focuses on improving people's livelihood and warming people's hearts, 38 people's livelihood improvement projects including affordable housing (bundled) and Tsinghua University Xiaoqinghe Campus will also be started simultaneously, with a total investment of 159.9 billion yuan. At the same time, focusing on post-disaster recovery and reconstruction and improving flood control capabilities, 20 post-disaster recovery and reconstruction projects including flood damage restoration of senior care service institutions in Fangshan District and construction of rural roads in Mentougou District were started, with a total investment of 3.3 billion yuan.