China News Service, January 27. According to the website of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, the General Office of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government issued a notice on further optimizing policies and measures for the stable and healthy development of the real estate market in Guangzhou, which clarified that within the purchase restriction area, the purchase of building area Houses with an area of ​​more than 120 square meters (excluding 120 square meters) are not included in the purchase restriction.

  The notice stated that in order to thoroughly implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, we must adhere to the principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability through advancement, establishing first and then breaking down, and adhere to the positioning that houses are for living in, not for speculation, so as to better meet the supply and demand of the real estate market. The relationship between residents' rigid and improved housing needs under the new situation of major changes has promoted the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. With the consent of the Guangzhou Municipal People's Government, Guangzhou's real estate policies and measures are now further optimized and adjusted.

1. Continue to increase housing security

  We will further improve the supply structure and policy system of public rental housing, affordable rental housing and allotment-type affordable housing, increase supply, and continue to meet the housing needs of various types of affordable housing. In 2024, it is planned to build 10,000 units of allotment-type affordable housing, 100,000 units of affordable rental housing, and provide housing rental subsidies to 18,000 households.

2. Accurately support reasonable financing needs of real estate projects

  In accordance with the requirements of the "Notice of the State Administration of Financial Supervision of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on the Establishment of an Urban Real Estate Financing Coordination Mechanism" (Jianfang [2024] No. 2), a real estate financing coordination mechanism in Guangzhou was established, a government-bank-enterprise communication platform was established, and real estate development enterprises and Financial institutions accurately connect and propose a list of real estate projects that can provide financing support to meet the reasonable financing needs of real estate companies of different ownerships without discrimination.

3. Optimize and adjust purchase restriction policies

  (1) Within the purchase restriction area, the purchase of a house with a construction area of ​​more than 120 square meters (excluding 120 square meters) will not be included in the purchase restriction scope.

  (2) Within the purchase restriction area, if a household uses its own house as a rental house and goes through the house rental registration and filing procedures, or obtains the house information code from the city's stock housing trading system and lists it for sale, when purchasing the house The number of family housing units will be reduced accordingly.

  (3) For houses that meet the conditions for merging real estate ownership certificates, buyers can apply for transfer registration and merger registration at the same time.

  (4) Commercial and service properties are no longer limited to transfer objects.

4. Strengthen real estate market supervision

  Strengthen departmental linkage, improve joint law enforcement and disciplinary mechanisms, strengthen real estate market monitoring, intensify efforts to rectify the order of the real estate development and construction, housing transactions, and housing rental markets, strictly investigate and punish violations of laws and regulations, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of home buyers.

Image source: Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government website