E-commerce anchor, express customer service, cultural and creative production...

Who gives new "wings" to diversified employment for disabled workers?

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  Recently, reporters visited many places in Guangxi and saw that in order to allow disabled people to find real jobs, local governments use new employment opportunities generated by new scenes and new business formats to train disabled people in new skills and give them new "wings" for employment.

  "This training class from the Disabled Persons' Federation came at a very timely time. I cherish this learning opportunity very much." At the beginning of 2023, when the e-commerce live broadcast training class for disabled people in Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province opened, 33-year-old Li Nuanjia signed up immediately. She has run a street stall, worked as a manicurist, and sold music... Due to her short left leg, only she knows the success of Li Nuanjia's job search.

  Nowadays, Li Nuanjia not only has her own live broadcast room in the well-known company "Luo Bawang", she is also hired as a lecturer by many training institutions, and won the third place in the country in the live broadcast sales project of the 7th National Vocational Skills Competition for Disabled Persons. .

  E-commerce anchors, voice employment, cultural and creative production... Recently, reporters visited many places in Guangxi and saw that in order to make it easier for disabled people to find a good job, the local government adopts a combination of "policy + employment + training" and takes multiple measures to promote Diversified employment and entrepreneurship for disabled people gives them new "wings" for employment.

"Internet +" empowers new business forms and new opportunities

  "Babies in Harbin, get ready, these will be sent to Harbin soon." Recently, Zeng Fanjun, the anchor of "Orange Country Fatty", has been busy packing gift boxes. "Old irons" from Northeast China and "old friends" from Guangxi are rushing in both directions. He received a lot of orders from the Northeast.

  Six years ago, Zeng Fanjun, born in the 1990s, returned to Dong'an Village, Dajiang Town, Rong'an County, Liuzhou City, Guangxi from Shenzhen, Guangdong on crutches, and became a young entrepreneurial youth who returned home. Taking advantage of the trend of e-commerce live streaming, he established a family farm and opened up the e-commerce model for selling agricultural products. He helped local farmers sell 40,000 kilograms of crunchy kumquats and more than 100,000 kilograms of smooth kumquats, achieving an average annual income increase of 10,000 kilograms per household. Yuan, leading the villagers on the road to wealth through e-commerce.

  Not only e-commerce live broadcasts, but in Guangxi, the new employment model of "Internet +" has become an effective way to enrich employment channels for people with disabilities.

  At the Jishanleye Network Employment Base for Disabled Persons in Lingchuan County Disabled Persons Park, Guilin, Guangxi, calls are ringing one after another. The customer service staff at the workstations are either busy answering the phone or typing quickly on the computer keyboard.

  In 2020, the park introduced the "Gathering Poverty Alleviation and Healthy Action·Internet and Happy Industry" online employment project for disabled people to provide STO Express telephone service and online customer service positions for disabled people.

  "Before, I earned more than 2,000 yuan a month as a security guard in Shenzhen. As a customer service here, I can earn more than 7,000 yuan a month. The Internet has changed my life." Jinjiaqiao, a person with first-level physical disability in Quanzhou County, Guilin Villager Xiong Jun told reporters.

  "The 'Internet+' model is very good and can help more severely disabled people." Qiu Yonghua, chairman of the Guilin Physically Disabled Persons Association and head of the Jishan Leye Disabled Persons Network Employment (Guilin) ​​Base, said that currently there are 52 stable jobs in the base. people, including 43 rural disabled people, 28 people who have been lifted out of poverty and living on minimum living allowances, and provided pre-job vocational skills training to nearly 310 disabled people and their families, among whom more than 210 people were employed, and a cumulative income of more than 3.5 million yuan was created. The salary income of a person has increased from more than 100 yuan at the beginning to an average of nearly 4,000 yuan now, with the highest earner earning nearly 7,800 yuan.

Cultural and creative industries bring new employment scenarios

  When you walk into Huiren Assisted Employment Institution for Disabled Persons in Guilin, Guangxi, the first thing you see is the magnificently colored landscape paintings. Unless you see it with your own eyes, it would be hard to believe that such paintings are inlaid with stones, and it is even harder to believe that they are made by disabled friends.

  "Using Guilin's unique Lijiang stones to express the beautiful scenery of Guilin makes the stone paintings a unique commemorative sentimental work and a favorite souvenir for many tourists." Deng Fengzhu, the head of the organization, said that the organization and cultural tourism Cooperate with other units to open special sales of Guilin stone paintings in scenic spots. At the same time, we cooperate with the Guangxi Cross-border E-commerce Operation Center to carry out live sales to promote stone paintings to domestic and overseas markets.

  Deng Fengzhu, who was born in Baishi Township, Xing'an County, Guilin City, suffered from polio. With her love and hard work, she studied stone painting skills and was named a Guangxi Arts and Crafts Master and a representative inheritor of Guilin Stone Painting Intangible Cultural Heritage Project.

  In 2014, with the support of the local Disabled Persons' Federation, Deng Fengzhu and two other inheritors founded the Guilin Huiren Assisted Employment Agency for Disabled Persons to provide free employment training to disabled people throughout Guangxi.

  "It's not tiring to do this, and the job is stable. I can earn more than 2,000 yuan a month." Aunt Xu, 50, is from Xingping Town, Yangshuo. She has a leg disability and is very satisfied with this job. So far, the institution has trained more than 300 disabled people, and nearly 20 disabled trainees work here. In 2023, it will also be rated as an autonomous region-level cultural and creative industry base for disabled people.

  In the Cultural and Creative Industry Base for Disabled Persons in Liunan District, Liuzhou, 180 kilometers away, a number of handmade product projects including calligraphy and painting, Dong intangible cultural heritage handicrafts, gourd crafts, and buckle crafts have been trained for more than 100 people with disabilities, driving the development of nearly 100 people with disabilities. 30 disabled people have flexible employment and more than 40 disabled people have been trained with product production capabilities.

  The cultural and creative industry has created a new employment scenario for disabled people, allowing them to realize their "employment dream" while also pursuing "poetry and distance". Wei Jing, director of the Publicity, Culture and Sports Department of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Disabled Persons' Federation, said that currently, the Guangxi Disabled Persons' Federation has built 13 cultural and creative industry bases for disabled people, actively guiding more disabled people to embark on the path of cultural and creative employment, and organizing calligraphy and painting for disabled people. Photography and handicraft exhibitions, special art performances and other methods can enhance the cultural confidence of disabled people and stimulate their passion and motivation to display their talents and participate in artistic creation.

Pay close attention to regional characteristics and improve employment services

  “It is difficult to find a job and it is unstable”, “There is a lack of barrier-free facilities, and there are many inconveniences at work”… In reality, these are the pain points and difficulties for disabled people in employment. How can we make it easier for people with disabilities to find jobs and have good careers?

  In Liuzhou, Guangxi, the local Disabled Persons' Federation seized new business opportunities and opportunities, relied on characteristic industries to expand employment channels, and carried out a series of skills training for disabled people, such as e-commerce live streaming, organization and storage and other emerging and popular vocational skills training, while fully integrating the current large-scale Internet celebrity food in the popular tourist city has opened training courses with distinctive Liuzhou characteristics such as snail noodle making and sour bean processing.

  Hezhou, Guangxi is seizing the gold and jewelry processing, clothing and beauty, big data and other industries in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It has established a special employment service class in the industrial park to provide employment guidance services for the disabled. It not only recommends suitable jobs for the disabled We also lead disabled people who meet the employment requirements to the company for interviews and receive training. The positions include jewelry designers, workshop workers, packers, clerks, etc.

  "As of November 2023, 57 companies in the industrial park in the main urban area of ​​Pinggui have placed a total of 109 disabled people in employment, 22 of whom are people who have been lifted out of poverty." Li Feng, a staff member of the employment service team, said.

  The reporter learned that in recent years, Guangxi Disabled Persons' Federations at all levels have implemented detailed employment priority policies, adopted a combination of "policy + employment + training", and taken multiple measures to promote diversified employment and entrepreneurship for disabled people. A total of new disabled people in urban and rural areas have been trained in the region. 18,900 visitors. So far, 365,200 certified disabled people of working age in Guangxi have been employed, with an employment rate of 58.05%.

  Tang Shu