China News Service, January 24. Chen Feng, spokesperson of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and deputy director of the Policy Research Department, introduced the main progress of human resources and social security work in 2023 at the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security’s fourth quarter press conference:

  The employment situation remains generally stable.

We will thoroughly implement the employment priority policy, timely optimize and adjust policies and measures to stabilize employment, put the employment of key groups in a prominent position, enhance the targeted effectiveness of vocational skills training, and improve the level of employment public services.

We will continue to reduce unemployment and work-related injury insurance premium rates, implement a return policy to stabilize employment, and restart one-time job expansion subsidies, reducing costs for enterprises by more than 200 billion yuan.

Expenditure on employment subsidies exceeded 100 billion yuan.

There were 12.44 million new urban jobs throughout the year, and the surveyed urban unemployment rate in December was 5.1%.

  The reform of the social security system continues to deepen.

Reforms such as the national unified basic pension insurance for enterprise employees, the personal pension system, and the pilot occupational injury protection for employees in new employment forms have been steadily advanced. Fund supervision and investment operations have been continuously strengthened, and social security benefits have been paid in full and on time.

The “Social Security Services to Ten Thousand Households” campaign was carried out, and handling services were continuously optimized.

As of the end of 2023, the number of people insured by basic pension, unemployment, and work-related injury insurance nationwide were 1.066 billion, 244 million, and 302 million respectively, a year-on-year increase of 13.36 million, 5.66 million, and 10.54 million. Among them, the number of people insured by work-related injury insurance For the first time, it exceeded 300 million people.

The income of the three social insurance funds throughout the year was 7.92 trillion yuan, the expenditure was 7.09 trillion yuan, and the cumulative balance at the end of the year was 8.24 trillion yuan. The fund operation was generally stable.

There are 1.379 billion social security card holders, of which 962 million use electronic social security cards.

  The construction of talent team has been continuously strengthened.

The reform of the professional title and vocational qualification system has been steadily advanced, and the "new eight-level worker" vocational skill grading system has been widely implemented. A total of more than 3,000 special technicians and chief technicians have been hired by various enterprises.

Promulgated 56 national occupational standards.

The second National Postdoctoral Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition was held.

Promote the "one-window acceptance, parallel approval, and joint issuance of two certificates" for foreigners' work permits and work-type residence permits in China.

  Labor relations remain generally harmonious and stable.

Strengthen labor employment guidance and issue guidelines for the conclusion of labor contracts and written agreements for new employment forms.

Continue to promote the reform of the remuneration system for the heads of central enterprises and the wage determination mechanism of state-owned enterprises.

Strengthen one-stop mediation of labor disputes in new employment forms, give full play to the advantages of labor dispute mediation, people's mediation, and judicial mediation, and work together to resolve labor disputes in new employment forms.

Strengthen the construction of a monitoring and early warning platform for migrant workers' wage payments, and launch a special winter campaign to eradicate wage arrears.

  At the same time, we will comprehensively promote the standardization of basic public services in the field of human resources and social security.

Explore and create "model rooms" with high-quality services at different levels and with unique characteristics.

Comprehensively promote the construction of digital human society, optimize online service processes, and continue to promote "one-stop service".