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Logo at the DWS headquarters in Frankfurt am Main


The Deutsche Bank fund subsidiary DWS has received another visit from investigators in connection with greenwashing allegations.

According to information from the Frankfurt public prosecutor's office on Wednesday, representatives of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) and the public prosecutor's office investigated the DWS premises as early as January 16th.

The authorities confirmed a report in the “Handelsblatt” on Tuesday.

The search served to further clarify the allegations, it goes on to say.

The investigation was ongoing.

No further information could be provided.

The fund company is accused of touting so-called green financial products as “greener” than they actually are – “greenwashing” in other words.

The public prosecutor's office said the investigation was directed against the former person responsible and previously unknown DWS employees.

The investigation was ongoing.

A first search in connection with the allegations took place in May 2022.

At that time, employees of the public prosecutor's office, the financial regulator Bafin and the Federal Criminal Police Office searched not only the headquarters of DWS, but also of the parent company, Deutsche Bank.

Three million documents examined

In June of the same year, the boss was replaced: Asoka Wöhrmann was replaced by Stefan Hoops from Deutsche Bank.

A DWS spokeswoman said the company provided further information at the request of prosecutors.

“From the beginning of the investigation, we worked openly and transparently with all authorities at home and abroad.” DWS examined and made available a total of around three million documents.

"We will continue to cooperate fully in order to be able to complete the investigation as quickly as possible." However, this depends on the authorities' scheduling.
