
In Rafah, in the south of Gaza, these street children born into the war

War, poverty and destitution: Gazans are abandoned to their sad fate.

In addition to the 25,000 deaths, nearly two million Gazans are displaced in the south of the enclave.

Without water and without food.

This chaos creates an absolute humanitarian tragedy, with war children being born in the street in particular, and the only maternity hospital still in service in the south of the enclave not being able to accommodate all the future mothers.

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Premature babies photographed in Rafah, in November 2023. Evacuated from Shifra hospital in Gaza city, they were preparing to leave for Egypt (illustrative photo).

AP - Fatima Shbair

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Report in Rafah by

Rami Al Meghari

, with in Jerusalem,

Sami Boukhelifa

It's a boy, his name is Ibrahim.

Age: a few hours.

Place of birth: Gaza, in a tent.

His mother refuses to speak.

Her grandmother, Samia, pleads for her right to life and dignity.

 In what conditions will this child grow up?

, she asks.

His mother is lying on the ground.

There isn't even a mattress.

She does not have access to the toilet.

We are here, in the street, in the cold.

We have no clothes for him, no blanket.

This child is innocent.


His father ?

We were told he was dead.

And others tell us that it may be in Israeli hands.

In Rafah, there is only one maternity ward for a population of two million people now.

It is headed by Doctor Haidar Abu Sneymeh.


I have 50 beds and two operating theaters,”

he confides.

During the last 24 hours, we managed 250 deliveries.

I don't have enough staff or enough equipment to deal with all of this.

We don't even have any sutures left.


Yes, some women give birth in the street.

And those who are admitted give birth on the floor, in the corridors of the hospital.

I put two babies per incubator.

Just after giving birth, the doctor continues, “

 mothers must return to their tent, without exception, even those who have undergone a cesarean section must leave after ten or twelve hours maximum


 We are also seeing an increase in miscarriages and premature births,”

continues Dr. Sneymeh.

And to top it off, there is a resistant bacteria in the department, and infections are spreading. 


LiveIn southern Gaza, the bloodiest day of 2024 in Khan Younes


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