Margaux Fodéré // Photo credit: Julien Coquentin / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP 8:09 p.m., January 22, 2024

This movement of exasperation on the part of farmers comes at a time when the presentation of the new Pact for the renewal of generations of farmers is still postponed.

France has lost 100,000 farmers in ten years and by 2030, half of them are expected to retire.

And attracting younger people is no easy feat.

In 40 years, the number of farmers has been divided by four and today more than half of them are over 50 years old.

So will they all be replaced?

It's unlikely.

A profession that suffers from a lack of attractiveness

And there are several reasons.

First, because there is no legal framework that favors the transfer or rental of farms to young farmers.

But above all since the profession suffers from a lack of attractiveness.

The poverty rate is higher among farmers than in the general population.


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In an agricultural household, the primary source of income is not agriculture; it is often the spouse's activity or the farmer's second activity.

It is for all these reasons that the new pact for the renewal of generations of farmers is eagerly awaited by farmers, who are all the more disappointed that it is postponed again.