Reporter Meng Ke

  On January 21, the second session of the 16th Beijing Municipal People’s Congress opened. Beijing Mayor Yin Yong introduced that the city’s regional GDP will grow by 5.2% in 2023, approximately 4.4 trillion yuan.

According to statistics from a reporter from Securities Daily, 12 provinces including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Liaoning, Jilin, Shandong, Hunan, Hainan, Chongqing, Sichuan, Gansu, and Inner Mongolia have successively released 2023 economic data.

  Data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on January 17 showed that according to preliminary calculations, the gross domestic product (GDP) in 2023 was 126,058.2 billion yuan, an increase of 5.2% over the previous year at constant prices.

  Among the 12 provinces mentioned above, the GDP growth rate of 9 provinces outperformed that of the whole country.

Liu Xiangdong, deputy director of the Economic Research Department of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, told a reporter from Securities Daily that as the economy continues to recover and develop, the economic growth rate of many provinces exceeds the national economic growth rate, and the economic aggregate has reached a new level. It reflects that various regions have taken multiple measures to stimulate market vitality and strive to restore regional economies.

  Last year, the total GDP of many provinces reached a record high

  From a total perspective, among the 12 provinces that have released economic data for 2023, the GDP of many provinces has reached a new level.

Among them, the annual GDP of Shandong, Sichuan, and Hunan exceeded 9 trillion yuan, 6 trillion yuan, and 5 trillion yuan respectively for the first time, and the annual GDP of Chongqing and Liaoning entered the "3 trillion yuan club."

  "The industrial layout in these areas is relatively complete, the economic development momentum is good, and they have good market prospects and development potential. In the new round of economic development, the above-mentioned areas focus on innovation-driven, transformation and upgrading and talent introduction, and accelerate the promotion of high-quality development. Tian Lihui, dean of the Financial Development Institute of Nankai University, told a reporter from Securities Daily.

  As a major economic province in the north, Shandong Province's main economic indicators have improved significantly in 2023.

According to reports, Shandong Province's GDP in 2023 was 9.2069 billion yuan, an increase of 6.0% over the previous year at constant prices. This not only represents a significant increase in its economic aggregate, but also an improvement in its economic quality and efficiency. manifestation.

  Fu Xiangguo, deputy director and spokesperson of the Shandong Provincial Bureau of Statistics, introduced at the Shandong Provincial Government press conference held on January 19: "The supply and demand ends of Shandong Province have recovered together, and the government has timely launched a package of pragmatic and effective policies and measures to promote production and supply. In line with the recovery of market demand, we will accelerate the improvement of quality and efficiency, promote the conversion of new and old driving forces in depth, continue to optimize the industrial structure, accumulate growth momentum, and strengthen development advantages; the market vitality will be steadily enhanced, and we will make every effort to remove the constraints in the development of the private economy and private investment. , market expectations have steadily improved, and the vitality of business entities has continued to increase."

  In terms of GDP growth rate, among the above 12 provinces, Beijing is on par with the national level, Hunan and Tianjin are lower than the national level, and the remaining 9 provinces outperform the national level.

Among them, Hainan’s GDP increased by 9.2% year-on-year, temporarily leading the way in terms of growth rate.

Inner Mongolia's GDP increased by 7.3% year-on-year, reaching the highest growth rate since 2016.

  "In the regional economic pattern, Hainan, Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Jilin, Chongqing and other provinces deserve attention." Liu Xiangdong analyzed that from the perspective of driving economic growth, the continued recovery of the service industry and industry is the main driving force for rapid economic growth. For example, Hainan Although the economic aggregate is small, the growth rates of its secondary and tertiary industries have remained at double digits, at 10.6% and 10.3% respectively; the added value of Jilin's tertiary industry has grown at 6.9%, and the added value of its secondary industry has increased by 6.9%. The speed also reached 5.9%.

This reflects that the contact-based agglomeration service industry has recovered quickly, especially the cultural tourism, catering and accommodation and other service industries, which has strongly supported the stabilization and improvement of economic growth.

  Many places this year

  Will do a good job in scientific and technological innovation

  Recently, the local "Two Sessions" have been held one after another in 2024. For this year's GDP target, Beijing has set it at about 5%, and Chongqing has set it at about 6%.

  Regarding the work in 2024, many places regard adhering to technological innovation and taking multiple measures to stabilize investment and promote consumption as important starting points.

For example, in his government work report, Chongqing Mayor Hu Henghua stated that he would insist on promoting industrial innovation through scientific and technological innovation and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system.

We will insist on putting the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry in a more prominent position, continue to lead the ecology, promote industrial agglomeration, technological innovation, and integrated development, and vigorously cultivate new quality productivity.

Multiple measures will be taken to stabilize investment and promote consumption, fully stimulating demand potential and economic vitality.

Stimulate potential consumption, expand profitable investment, and form a virtuous cycle in which consumption and investment promote each other.

  In his government work report, Beijing Mayor Yin Yong mentioned that Beijing will focus on the following tasks: focusing on building an international science and technology innovation center to further strengthen the development of new drivers and new advantages; making the digital economy stronger, better and bigger, and better empowering High-quality development of the capital; coordinating the expansion of domestic demand and deepening supply-side structural reforms to consolidate and enhance the positive economic recovery trend.

  In Tian Lihui's view, my country's regional coordinated development is expected to be further strengthened in 2024, emerging industries will further rise, central cities and urban agglomerations will further expand, and rural revitalization and urban-rural integrated development will further increase.

The development of regional economy will pay more attention to coordinated development, innovation-driven and transformation and upgrading development, ecological civilization construction and green development.

  Liu Xiangdong believes that in 2024, regional economic development will still be characterized by competitive development and continued differentiation, and the economic structure will continue to be optimized and adjusted. Especially as consumption becomes the main driving force of the economy, various regions will need to work hard to increase residents' income through multiple channels. .

  "Specifically, this includes continuing to optimize the business environment, deepening the reform of systems and mechanisms, making good use of open cooperation platforms, and further stimulating market vitality and social creativity. Promoting the rational layout and high-quality development of the regional economy requires both optimization and optimization on the existing basis Major productivity layout, further improving infrastructure, raising social security levels and other basic tasks, we must also rely on scientific and technological innovation to build a modern industrial system and cultivate new driving forces for economic growth." Liu Xiangdong said.

  Tian Lihui said that in order to improve the further development of the regional economy, it is necessary to increase investment and financial support, promote infrastructure construction and improve social and people's livelihood; it is necessary to strengthen talent training and scientific and technological innovation, and improve economic innovation capabilities and competitiveness; it is necessary to optimize the business environment and market mechanisms to attract more investment and enterprises; it is necessary to strengthen regional cooperation and coordinated development, break administrative barriers and regional blockades, and promote resource sharing and complementary advantages; it is necessary to promote environmental protection and sustainable development and promote the concept of green development to take root .

(Securities Daily)