Iraqi Kurdistan: after Iranian strikes on Erbil, the Chamber of Commerce calls for sanctions

After the recent Iranian strikes which killed 4 civilians in Iraqi Kurdistan, the autonomous Kurdish region is responding.

The Chamber of Commerce in the capital, Erbil, calls for a boycott of Iranian products and a severance of trade relations with Iran. 

Rubble at the site struck by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards in Erbil, January 16, 2024. AFP - -

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with our correspondent in Erbil,

Théo Renaudon

In Erbil, about half of what you can find imported on supermarket shelves comes from Iran, the neighbor with which Iraqi Kurdistan shares its longest border.

Erbil, the capital, is approximately 100 kilometers as the crow flies from the first Iranian border post. 

This call from the Chamber of Commerce is not trivial, but it is almost the only Kurdish response to this Monday's strike.


ten ballistic missiles

killed four people, including an 11-month-old girl, and caused turmoil among the population.

Among the victims, an important businessman, 

businessman Peshraw Dizayee

, accused by Tehran of links with Israeli intelligence services and of supplying Israel with oil from Iraqi Kurdistan. 

Also read: Iranian strikes in Iraqi Kurdistan: “It could be a warning against the United States”

The Kurdish government is sparing its powerful Iranian neighbor.

He wants to avoid escalation at all costs, as commercial links are important and the military threat is present: no summoning of the Iranian consul in Erbil for explanation, no recall of the Kurdish representation in Tehran.

Unlike Baghdad which recalled its ambassador to Iran.

Even demonstrations in front of the Iranian consulate were banned. 


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