Moutai Dragon Year Zodiac Wine has been on the market for less than half a month, and has experienced a "roller coaster" market: the market price has dropped to less than 4,000 yuan.

At its peak, the price of a bottle was as high as nearly 8,000 yuan.

However, this is not an isolated case, similar situations have occurred in "Rabbit Grass" and "Tiger Grass".

  At the beginning of the new year, in addition to Moutai, major domestic wine companies have also begun to layout the Year of the Dragon zodiac wine.

Compared with traditional products, zodiac wine has both collection value and cultural connotation, and has become a new battlefield for famous wine companies.

However, for consumers, when talking about Zodiac wine, besides its floating price, what else can be discussed?

  ●Nanfang Daily reporter Huang Xiaoyun

 Prices have plummeted and it’s still hard to find anything.

  Recently, in a liquor store in Yuexiu, Guangzhou, a consumer expressed that he wanted a bottle of "Longmao", but the salesperson said helplessly that "it was not in stock."

Within ten days of the launch of "Longmao", the market price dropped from 8,000 yuan at its peak to less than 4,000 yuan.

But in real life, it’s still hard to find a good person.

  In the specialty store, several bottles of 53% 500ml Kweichow Moutai Zodiac Liquor from previous years are prominently displayed on the counter.

The salesperson said that "Longmao" has not arrived yet, and the price is expected to be 3,800 yuan per bottle.

In addition, "Tiger Mao" (2022 Renyin Year of the Tiger Moutai) is 3,600 yuan/bottle, and "Rabbit Mao" (2023 Guimao Year of the Rabbit Moutai) is 3,100 yuan/bottle.

  On the e-commerce platform, the price of "Longmao" is also concentrated at around 3,800 yuan. If it is in stock, there will be a partial premium.

  On a certain social platform, many users expressed their willingness to transfer the delivery qualification of Dragon Year Moutai Zodiac Wine, with quotes ranging from 3,200 yuan to 3,500 yuan.

  "Oops, missed again!" Mr. Chen slapped his thigh with regret.

Since the listing of "Longmao", Mr. Chen has subscribed on iMoutai on time every morning, but has never been able to do so.

  At the beginning of the new year, the popularity of products related to the "dragon" element remains high.

The zodiac dragon is popular among consumers, and the popularity of "Dragon Mao" is naturally rising.

According to Kweichow Moutai, Kweichow Moutai (Jiachen Year of the Dragon) is the eleventh zodiac series product launched by Moutai. The main color of the packaging is zhe yellow, and the bottle is painted with a dragon pattern.

  At 19:00 on January 6, "Longmao" officially opened for purchase on the iMoutai digital marketing platform. The retail guide price of 53%vol 500ml Longmao is 2,499 yuan/bottle.

Relevant data shows that more than 8.5 million people participated in subscriptions on the first day of listing, and the number of reservations reached a new high, breaking the record of 2 million people who made reservations on Tumao's first day last year. However, the success rate of subscriptions was less than 0.2%.

Some netizens joked: It is harder than winning the "lottery".

  Even if the subscription is successful, many consumers still report that they have not received the spot goods.

After Ms. Li successfully applied for the product last week, it kept showing "To be picked up". She consulted the store many times. The store staff said that they received the first batch of "Longmao" supply on the 8th, but it still could not meet the needs of iMoutai winning users. need.

"It's a pre-sale, so you have to wait."

  However, some dealers said that the popularity of "Longmao" has increased significantly. Even if it is not in stock yet, many people have already started to place reservations.

Why is there always a "roller coaster" market?

  Obviously supply exceeds demand, so why is the market price of "Longmao" continuing to drop?

According to the interviews, this is a normal correction in the price of "Longmao".

  It is understood that Moutai Group will control the amount of "Longmao" put into the market at the beginning, and will start to increase the amount put into the market half a month after the product is launched.

As the volume of products increases, the shortage of supply will be alleviated, and the market price will naturally fall back.

  Moutai Zodiac Wine is usually highly hyped when it first comes on the market, and the market price goes on a "roller coaster".

Last year, "rabbit grass" was once priced close to 6,000 yuan when it first came on the market, and then the price fell back to around 3,000 yuan; the price of "tiger grass" peaked at close to 7,000 yuan.

  The above-mentioned dealer reminded that there are not many "Longmao" spot stocks on the market at present, and many people are just "empty-handed" and reselling them many times with the winning indicators.

Therefore, although the prices were previously high at more than 8,000 yuan, they were "very watery" and basically had a price but no market. Consumers still had to choose formal channels or dealers when purchasing.

  Moutai launched its first Zodiac wine in 2014.

The market prices of "horse grass" and "fescue" remain high due to limited production.

However, starting from "Monkey Mao" in 2016, Moutai has increased the supply of related products. Since then, the price of Moutai Zodiac Liquor has dropped and remained at around 3,500 yuan.

  Ouyang Qianli, a researcher in the beverage industry, uses the output to estimate the market price. He believes that the output of "Longmao" will not be lower than that of "Rabbit Mao", so the reasonable market price should be around 3,000 yuan.

Zodiac wine becomes a new battlefield for wine companies

  The popularity of "Longmao" has also led to another more ambitious topic: zodiac wine.

In order to welcome the peak consumption season, not only many leading wine companies such as Moutai, Wuliangye, Fenjiu, and Zhenjiu launched Year of the Dragon zodiac wine, but many lower-end wine companies also followed suit, hoping to take advantage of the popularity of zodiac wine to reach the high-end market.

What is remarkable is that each company is trying to incorporate traditional elements into packaging design to convey respect and inheritance of Chinese culture.

But nowadays, zodiac wine is seriously homogenized, its form has changed due to packaging changes, and the new bottles still contain "old wine".

  The emergence of the "roller coaster" market also means that market speculation is strong. Compared with traditional products, Zodiac wine has both collection value and attracts attention because of its scarcity. However, if the public's understanding of Zodiac wine is limited to floating The price figure is undoubtedly a waste.

  Data previously released by the China Liquor Industry Association shows that the market size of the zodiac wine in the liquor industry is as high as 20 billion yuan, and is rapidly expanding at a rate of more than 30% per year.

  High-quality wine should meet both the material and spiritual needs of consumers. Therefore, "cultural marketing" has become the focus of wine companies' efforts in recent years.

Culture has given liquor higher value attributes, and zodiac wine is a powerful starting point.

However, product launch is only the first step, and more brand activities need to be supported in the follow-up, such as Moutai holding zodiac wine appreciation events in major cities.

  Liquor companies' efforts to develop zodiac wine can enrich the product structure, broaden consumer groups, enrich brand cultural connotation, meet consumers' needs for differentiated products, and open up new incremental space in the existing market, which is in line with the current trend of diversified alcohol consumption. .

  However, some people in the industry pointed out that the overall market of zodiac wine is currently expanding under the leadership of leading companies. Among them, compared with the drinking value, the investment and collection value is an important driving force behind the booming sales of zodiac wine.

But this also means that wine companies cannot use zodiac wine to promote the consumer market in large quantities and for a long time.

Therefore, it is difficult to improve overall performance and promote market sales through zodiac wine.

(Nanfang Daily)