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 Demonstration by the German Farmers' Association

Photo: Fabian Sommer / dpa

Farmers President Joachim Rukwied has threatened further protests if the federal government does not withdraw plans to increase taxes on agricultural diesel.

"If nothing comes now, the next protests and actions will come," he said.

And next week, in an even more far-reaching form than before.

Everything that has been announced by the government so far has only increased the anger of the farmers, said Rukwied.

Parliament's budget committee finally discussed the federal budget for 2024 on Thursday. The massive cuts in the budget proposal include gradual cuts in agricultural diesel.

Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir (Greens) called this “fair and justifiable”.

In the Bundestag, government and opposition factions debated agricultural policy for around two hours.

Minister Özdemir once again called on the Union to work together: Now there is an opportunity to work “constructively together” to make agriculture fit for the future.

The minister again called for a tax on meat, the income from which would be used to support farmers in converting their stables.

It's only a "few cents per kilo more," he said in the Bundestag.

Consumers should pay for this.

An “animal welfare cent” would be an “investment in the future of agriculture and rural areas in Germany.”

After the debate, the traffic light factions decided on a motion according to which they want to present concrete projects to relieve the burden on agriculture by the end of March.

They want to decide on “appropriate measures” by the summer break.

In the application they ask the government to support them in their measures.

It should tackle seven things, such as reducing bureaucracy and “general tax measures” to relieve the burden on companies.

To this end, it should promote the development of alternative drives for agricultural machinery and set up “reliable financing for animal welfare-friendly husbandry”.
