Author: Lin Zhiyin

On January 1th, 6ml Long Mao officially opened the subscription in "i Moutai", the purchase price is 500 yuan / bottle, and you can make an appointment to buy from 2499 am to 9 o'clock every day, but from the sale to the present, in just 10 days, the price of the wine in the market has staged a "roller coaster" market, from soaring to plummeting.

Looking back on this Longmao, after it was just introduced to the market, the price was once fried to 8000,<> yuan / bottle. But soon, the price reversed.

On January 1, the first financial reporter consulted a number of Moutai scalpers, and the price of Longmao wine was between 15,3250 yuan/bottle and 3300,<> yuan/bottle.

At the same time, the first financial reporter visited some liquor stores in Guangzhou, and the price of Longmao was 3600,3800 yuan/bottle, and there were also <>,<> yuan/bottle.

According to a third-party platform, on January 1, the original market price of Longmao was 15,3780 yuan/bottle, down 70 yuan from the previous day, and the Longmao branch was 3720,20 yuan/bottle, up <> yuan from the previous day.

The first financial reporter saw in the second-hand trading website Xianyu that many netizens hung out Longmao pick-up coupons, and many prices were less than 4000,<> yuan per bottle.

Judging from the above, compared with the highest 8000,<> yuan/bottle, the price of Longmao in the current market has been cut in half.

The zodiac is part of traditional Chinese culture. In recent years, wine companies have been keen to launch Zodiac wine. Kweichow Moutai has launched Zodiac liquor for 2014 consecutive years since it launched Ma Mao in 11. The dragon is a symbol of good luck in traditional Chinese culture, so compared with previous years' zodiac wine, the collection value of dragon grass is more anticipated by the market.

Kweichow Moutai said when Longmao was released on January 1 that Moutai Zodiac series products are not only cultural commodities, but also cultural IP. As a series of items that take 6 years to complete, the "time attributes" of Moutai and the "time aesthetics" contained in the "five-dimensional aesthetics" of Moutai are significantly reflected in the Moutai Zodiac series products.

However, in the eyes of the market, the price drop speed of Longmao since its listing can be described as exceeding expectations.

For the sharp fluctuation of the price of Longmao, some analysts believe that it has a certain relationship with the increase in market supply.

"If you have wine and want to ship it, you can ship it early, early delivery is equal to making more money, time is money, now the price is too easy to fall, supply and demand determine the price. A Moutai scalper told the first financial reporter that in recent days, he has also subscribed for Longmao through "i Moutai", and he has also successfully subscribed. According to his observation, there are many people who win the lottery every day, and the amount of these wines increases when they are put into circulation in the market.

"Now the amount of dragon grass circulating in the market has begun to increase, there is no way, the price can only go down, two days ago we are still at the price of 3400 yuan / bottle. Another Moutai scalper said.

The owner of a Guangzhou liquor store told the first financial reporter that when Moutai Zodiac liquor was first launched on the market, it was easy to be speculated on the price because of its small quantity, but then with the increase in market supply, the price was easy to fall. The price of rabbit grass launched last year was stable at about 3000,<> yuan per bottle. At present, Longmao still has room to fall. "If you want to buy it, it is advisable to wait. ”

Xiao Zhuqing, chairman of Wuhan Jingkui Technology, told the first financial reporter that it is entrepreneurs, business people and collectors who really consume Moutai Zodiac wine. In the early stage, it was because the scalpers were optimistic and the market expectations were very high, which pushed up the price of the first wave of Moutai Dragon Year Zodiac wine, and the subsequent discovery that the business people and entrepreneurs who took over the purchase were not active, resulting in a continuous decline in market prices.