, January 1 (Zhongxin Financial Reporter Zuo Yukun) At the beginning of the new year, first-tier cities continued to adjust the restrictive policies of the property market. In terms of purchase restrictions, which have attracted much attention, Shanghai is the first to try.

Recently, according to the official WeChat public accounts of Fengxian District and Qingpu District of Shanghai, the two districts have adjusted the single-person purchase restriction policy that has attracted much attention, and eligible non-Shanghai talents can buy one house in a specific area of the two districts.

The once "non-Shanghai household registration single person cannot buy a house" is gradually loosening in the five new cities. Will Shanghai go further, and will it bring more possibilities for the adjustment of Beijing's purchase restriction policy?

Data map: Shanghai at a glance. Photo by Fan Yubin

Shanghai Qingpu and Fengxian made big moves

The scope of non-Shanghainese singles who can buy houses in Shanghai has been expanded, and this time it is Qingpu and Fengxian who have made the move.

According to the WeChat official account of "Green Qingpu", non-Shanghai talents who have paid social insurance or individual income tax for employees in Shanghai for 3 years or more and have no housing in Shanghai, have signed a labor (employment) contract with an employer in Qingpu District for 2 years or more and have worked for 1 year, and meet one of the conditions of the unit and one of the personal conditions at the same time, can purchase 1 house within the Qingpu New Town area, and the qualification for purchasing a house will be adjusted from a resident family to an individual.

In addition, according to the WeChat public account of "Shanghai Fengxian", non-Shanghai talents who have signed a labor (employment) contract with the employer for 2 years or more and have worked in the unit for 1 year, paid employee social insurance or individual income tax in Shanghai for 3 years or more according to the regulations, and have no housing in Shanghai, and meet one of the conditions of the unit and one of the personal conditions, can purchase 1 set of housing in Fengxian New Town, and the qualification for purchasing the house is adjusted from a resident family to an individual.

Looking back, Shanghai's opening of the purchase restriction for singles from other places began in Jinshan District, a suburban area. In October 2023, Jinshan District issued a new policy for talent settlement, which also stipulates that non-Shanghainese single talents who meet the requirements can buy houses in specific areas.

At that time, the industry generally believed that the directional relaxation of Jinshan District had released a signal of continued easing in the non-core area for the whole of Shanghai, and began to look forward to the relaxation of purchase restrictions in the five new cities. Now it seems that the five new cities are still the best choice for Shanghai to implement the differentiated regulation of zoning.

At present, the real estate markets in Qingpu and Fengxian are still under certain pressure. According to data from the China Index Research Institute, the transaction area of new houses in Qingpu New Town in 2023 will decrease by 10.9% year-on-year, and the clearance cycle will be 14 months, while the transaction area of new houses in Fengxian New Town in 2023 will decrease by 24.3% year-on-year, and the clearance cycle will be 7.4 months.

Zhang Wenjing, general manager of Shanghai Data of the China Index Research Institute, believes that the introduction of the new policy is conducive to promoting the inflow of all kinds of talents and speeding up the development of new cities, which will play a role in promoting the release of rigid demand and improved housing demand to a certain extent, and will bring positive guidance to market sentiment.

"The relaxation of the social security payment conditions for individual house purchases is in line with the logic of district-specific policies. These areas are all new industrial areas, and five new cities are being developed, in which real estate plays an important role in infrastructure financing, investment attraction and talent introduction. Li Yujia, chief researcher at the Housing Policy Research Center of the Guangdong Provincial Urban Planning Institute, said that on the one hand, this is to stabilize market sales and reduce inventory, and on the other hand, it is also to create conditions for the government's land transfer.

It is located in the easternmost part of Fengxian District, in the southern suburbs of Shanghai. Photo courtesy of the courtesy of the

Will other first-tier cities follow suit?

The introduction of the new policy coincided with the weekend, and a real estate agent in Qingpu District told the reporter that the number of inquiries from home buyers on weekends has increased, but it is currently mainly focused on the stage of communication and appointments. Because the policy still has certain requirements for the company's place of registration, social security, etc., it may restrict some interested groups.

"About two or three months ago, there was news that there would be a loosening of the limited purchase, which is also an inevitable step, and everyone has been prepared for it. In our opinion, it is still not a simple real estate policy, but a policy to attract talents. In the long run, Qingpu still needs more talents to drive development. The above-mentioned real estate agent said.

All localities are still looking forward to the further deepening of the policy. On December 2023, 12, Beijing and Shanghai successively optimized real estate policies, including optimizing the criteria for identifying ordinary houses, reducing the down payment ratio, and lowering the lower limit of mortgage interest rates, which greatly reduced the threshold for residents to buy homes and the cost of buying houses.

According to data from the China Index Research Institute, the number of new home transactions in Beijing increased by 12.38% month-on-month in December, while that in Shanghai increased by 5.2% month-on-month. The above-mentioned Beijing-Shanghai policies have had a certain positive effect on the local market as a whole, but the overall driving range is limited. It can be seen that after the full moon of the New Deal, there is also an urgent need for further support and undertaking.

"Real estate regulation has entered a new stage, that is, the adjustment of purchase restriction policies in the peripheral areas of first-tier cities. At present, the peripheral areas of hot cities, including first-tier cities, have generally become new industrial cities and areas with concentrated population, which are in the stage of large-scale development and construction, and the role of real estate in them is still very large. Li Yujia expects other first-tier cities to follow suit.

"After entering January, the property market will also enter the traditional off-season, from the perspective of maintaining the sustainable effect of the heat, further follow-up measures are also needed after reducing the down payment to maintain the policy heat and continue to boost market confidence. Zhang Dawei, chief analyst of Centaline Real Estate, said that the previous policy was mostly aimed at improving demand and continuing to increase leverage, but the relaxation of purchase restrictions was a policy for new demand.

Zhang Dawei mentioned that among the several cities at the core of the national property market policy, Shenzhen generally adjusted the policy first. Shanghai is ahead of Shenzhen in terms of purchase restrictions this time, and Beijing and Shenzhen are likely to follow up with fine-tuning. The direction of the policy should still be the pilot in the far suburbs, the adjustment of the social security period, etc., but Beijing's influence and intensity will probably not exceed Shanghai's. (ENDS)