The reporter learned from the National Health Commission yesterday that under the organization of the National Health Commission, the National Food Safety Risk Assessment Center and other units have carried out a pilot project of food digital labeling this year, covering dairy products, beverages, convenience foods and other major food categories consumed by Chinese consumers. It is understood that at present, more than 20 companies and more than 40 products have joined the food digital label pilot, some products have entered the market, and other products are expected to enter the market before the end of the year.

Food digital labels display food label information in the form of QR codes, etc., and consumers can scan the QR codes on food labels through mobile devices such as mobile phones to obtain food label information. Compared with traditional labels, digital labels do not have restrictions on the layout of labels, and consumers can obtain food information more conveniently through various functions such as page enlargement, voice reading, and video explanation.

Fan Yongxiang, deputy director of the National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment: By scanning the digital label, consumers can easily obtain some information they want to know. For example, you can get some information on the label by listening to audio and watching video. It can be said that it will play an increasing role in protecting consumers' health and protecting consumers' right to know.

The relevant person in charge of the National Health Commission said that in order to ensure that digital labels can truly and accurately convey food-related information to consumers, the National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment is organizing the revision of relevant standards, stipulating the application principles, requirements and display content of digital labels, and providing a standardized basis for food production and operation and market supervision. The National Health Commission will work with relevant departments to speed up the release of labeling standards, promote the full application of digital labels, and encourage more food manufacturers to join the pilot of digital labels.

News link: How should food labels be viewed?

In recent years, the public's demand for food safety, nutrition and health has increased, and more and more consumers pay attention to reading food labels and choosing food reasonably. Whether it's a traditional or digital label, what's on display on a food label? What are the key messages we look at when looking at food labels?

The food label first has the mandatory indication of the state, that is, the information that must be transmitted, as well as the recommended information of the enterprise. Experts remind everyone to focus on four aspects of information when reading food labels, the first is the product name, the name is the most reflective of food attributes, such as yogurt, if the name is fermented milk, according to the regulations, it is made by fermentation with milk and milk powder as raw materials, and no other ingredients can be added. If the name is flavored fermented milk, you can add ingredients such as sugar, fruits and vegetables, and grains. The second is to pay attention to the ingredient list, the ingredients in the ingredient list are marked according to the decreasing data, and the first place is the ingredient that is used in the most used in the processing process. Third, look at the date, including the production date, especially the shelf life, the shelf life must be combined with the storage conditions. The fourth is to look at the nutrition facts list.

Fan Yongxiang, deputy director of the National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment: By reading the nutrition label of food, we can know how much energy, how much fat, how much protein, and how much carbohydrate the food contains, so that it is convenient to guide consumers to choose the food they want to eat reasonably. Of course, there is also some information closely related to food safety, such as whether the product ingredients contain some raw materials that may cause allergies, and there are also mandatory labeling requirements for food allergens, such as some protein raw materials, fish, peanuts and other raw materials, which must be displayed in a prominent way to facilitate consumer identification. (CCTV News Client)