Nanchang, November 11 (Reporter Wu Pengquan) In recent years, with the concept of healthy diet, fat loss and slimming becoming more and more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, the health problems caused by obesity have gradually become the focus of public attention. However, it is not easy to "keep your mouth shut and open your legs", and meal replacement foods labeled as low-calorie, low-fat, and satiety are becoming increasingly popular.

Can meal replacement foods really replace staple foods and make it easy for everyone to "lie down"? Experts from the Jiangxi Provincial Market Supervision Bureau explained the doubts of consumers on the 22nd.

Experts from the Jiangxi Provincial Market Supervision Bureau said that meal replacement food refers to a kind of energy control food specially processed and prepared in order to meet the nutritional needs of adults during one or two meals during weight control, replacing one or two meals. Most meal replacement foods are low-calorie, high-fiber, and easy to be full, and common meal replacement foods include meal replacement shakes, meal replacement powders, meal replacement bars, etc.

The expert further said that the dietary fiber content in meal replacement foods is high, and after entering the digestive system, dietary fiber will absorb water to increase the volume of food in the intestines and stomach, and make people feel full by prolonging the digestion time of the stomach, thereby reducing the intake of other foods.

If you replace every meal, wouldn't you lose weight faster? Experts from the Jiangxi Provincial Market Supervision Bureau said that first of all, meal replacement foods can only replace one or two meals, and some meal replacement foods also need to be eaten with other foods; Secondly, most meal replacement foods have a single nutritional structure, such as the vitamin content in grain meal replacement powder on the market is generally low, and the protein content of vegetable and fruit meal replacement powder is also difficult to meet the recommended amount of nutrition required daily. If the daily diet is replaced by meal replacement foods for a long time, it may lead to insufficient intake of vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates, which may lead to health problems such as malnutrition and metabolic disorders.

Under the hot market, a large number of businesses have launched a variety of meal replacement foods under the banner of health and weight loss.

Experts from the Jiangxi Provincial Market Supervision Bureau said that most of the various meal replacement foods on the market are ordinary foods, not health foods. No matter how many nutrients are contained in the ingredients, meal replacement foods should not express or imply health care functions, and meal replacement foods and some health foods have certain similarities in product form, so we should pay attention to distinguish and distinguish.

Experts from the Jiangxi Provincial Market Supervision Bureau reminded that pregnant women, infants, the elderly, and those with gastrointestinal disorders or digestive insufficiency should not eat meal replacement foods. Consumers should carefully check the food label and ingredient list, pay attention to whether the type and content of nutrients contained in the nutrition facts list can meet the recommended daily amount of the human body, and do not believe and buy meal replacement foods that claim to have the function of "preventing and treating diseases". Eating meal replacement foods is only an auxiliary means, and scientific weight loss should also be combined with exercise, improving diet, etc. (ENDS)