Beijing, 10 Oct (People's Daily) -- According to the latest agricultural situation dispatch by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, nearly 12 percent of the country's autumn grain harvest is currently harvested. At present, the autumn grain harvest across the country is stepping up, and the main grain-producing areas rush to catch up with the progress of the agricultural harvest and go all out to grasp the autumn grain harvest and ensure that the grain pellets are returned to the warehouse.

Walking in the high-standard farmland demonstration area of Guangrunpo, Anyang County, Anyang City, Henan Province, harvesters with a rumbling roar, busy back and forth in the corn field, yellow corn poured down from the warehouse door, and was continuously sent to the grain truck, the vast "Central Plains granary" is full of a gratifying scene of harvest.

Corn harvesting in Guangrunpo high-standard farmland demonstration area in Anyang County, Henan Province. Photo by Wang Ke

Speaking of this year's autumn harvest, Zhang Hongwen, a major grain farmer, opened the chatterbox, "The cooperative has planted more than 2400,300 mu of corn, including 1000 mu of soybeans and corn sets, and now <>,<> mu have been harvested. Zhang Hongwen casually picked up a piece of corn and smiled on his face.

Agricultural machinery increases power, harvest strengthens confidence. "Affected by the rain some time ago, the corn had a small amount of lodging, and in recent days, the harvesting of the fallen plots has been a little slower, but the mechanical input will be increased in the follow-up to increase the speed." Zhang Hongwen said that every time the grain harvest peaks, as long as you make a phone call, the harvesting machinery will arrive in time, generally speaking, more than 10 days can harvest all the corn.

Autumn grain into the warehouse, agricultural machinery first. In order to ensure the smooth production of "three autumns", Anyang County Agricultural Machinery Center has long been fully prepared. "In the 'Three Autumns' operation, a total of 1,19 pieces of various agricultural machinery are maintained, which can meet the needs of autumn harvest and autumn planting in the county." The relevant person in charge of the county's agricultural machinery center introduced that before the autumn harvest, through a comprehensive investigation of the distribution and technical status of agricultural machinery in the county, and at the same time, the opportunity of verifying locomotives and verifying subsidized tools was used to help farmers overhaul, debug and maintain machinery to ensure the safe operation of agricultural machinery.

"During the autumn harvest, through the signing of mutual assistance and cooperation agreements with nearby districts and counties, more than 300 sets of crawler harvesters were coordinated, ensuring a bumper harvest of autumn grain and stabilizing the production of the main grain-producing areas." The relevant person in charge of the Anyang County Agriculture and Rural Bureau said.

According to statistics, as of October 10, Anyang County has harvested 8,45 mu of corn, accounting for 73.95% of the total corn planting area, of which 03,43 mu of corn machines were harvested, and 75 corn combine harvesters were put into use on the same day. At present, various localities are rushing to harvest corn and sowing winter wheat in an intense and orderly manner.

Looking at the progress of the national autumn harvest, after the cold dew, the "three autumn" production entered the sprint period. Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs has sent a working group to carry out the "three autumn" production guidance service.

"In order to keep an eye on the key links of autumn grain harvest and autumn and winter planting, the Department of Plantation Management of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, together with the National Agricultural Technology Center, recently sent four working groups to key provinces in the Huanghuaihai, Yangtze River Basin, southwest, northwest and other regions to guide the efforts to plant enough seeds at the right time and help coordinate and solve difficult problems in agricultural material supply, policy implementation, disaster prevention and mitigation." The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs introduced that at the same time, it will continue to play the role of the sinking front-line package province wrapping mechanism, and the sub-regional and sub-link scheduling of autumn harvest and autumn and winter progress of the joint division bureau will promote the implementation of detailed and specific measures in various places to ensure the smooth development of "three autumn" production.