“The fact is that we proceed from the fact that the ruble has found its fundamental, anchor values ​​in relation to the dollar and the euro.

This is for the dollar 74, 75, well, maybe 76 - the upper limit, for the euro 90, 91, maximum 92. These are the fundamental values ​​of the ruble against the dollar, which are determined by the state of the economies of one and the second country, whose currencies we are comparing.

The reasons for these fundamental relationships to radically and seriously change are not yet visible, and they most likely will not be seen in the next at least six months, ”he explained.

Belyaev noted that we can only say that the deviation from fundamental values ​​was influenced by certain market factors that lie in the field of political information, economic fluctuations, temporary movements of money in one direction or the other, information background.

"These include the rather turbulent times that are now observed in the economic field - this is some talk about sanctions, this fluctuation in oil prices, these are not entirely clear prospects for how things will be with the coronavirus pandemic," the expert added.

Earlier it was reported that at the opening of trading, the ruble is falling against the dollar and the euro.