“I believe that taking into account the resources that the government has at its disposal, it was necessary to additionally help both business and social categories of citizens, because we have an increase in the number of poor people.

Within this year, when it is difficult to find a job, when the support chains are completely changing, massive support is needed here, maybe even temporary, ”he said.

Kudrin noted that next year economic activity will begin to form, "therefore, it would be possible to begin to reduce such support."

He added that the fall in Russia's GDP at the end of 2020 was less than analysts, including himself, had predicted, which was achieved thanks to alternative methods of supporting businesses and citizens that the government used.

“All these measures are absolutely adequate, they are reaching the minimum required level in order to deal with such a crisis.

In this sense, the government worked on the whole satisfactorily, ”said the head of the Accounts Chamber.

Earlier, Kudrin predicted the continued leading role of the dollar in the world economy in the coming decades.