Guide the gradient transfer of processing trade to undertake labor-intensive enterprises in the central and western regions

  Our reporter Du Yumeng

  According to data from the General Administration of Customs on December 7, the total value of my country's import and export of goods trade was 29.04 trillion yuan in the first 11 months of this year, a year-on-year increase of 1.8%, showing a trend of continued improvement and accelerated growth.

  "Since June, my country's exports have continued to maintain positive growth, especially under the background that global exports as a whole are still experiencing a negative growth of 3% to 5%. my country's export data appears to be particularly strong." Wang Qing, chief macro analyst at Oriental Jincheng, accepted "Securities Daily" reporter said in an interview that the effect of my country's foreign trade stabilization policy this year has exceeded all parties' expectations.

The reason for this is mainly due to factors such as the dislocation of domestic and foreign production capacity repairs and the transfer of a large number of orders to China.

Of course, behind this is also the remarkable effect brought about by the effective control of the domestic epidemic situation and the increased policy support for export enterprises.

  For example, in the "Opinions on Further Doing a Good Job in Stabilizing Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions") issued by the General Office of the State Council in August this year, a total of 15 policies and measures to stabilize foreign trade and foreign investment were put forward. Guide the gradient transfer of processing trade" and "increase support for labor-intensive enterprises".

  Specifically, the "Opinions" propose to cultivate a batch of processing trade industrial parks jointly built by the east, central and western regions, and northeast regions; to improve the industrial transfer and docking mechanism with the help of platforms such as China Processing Trade Products Expo; to encourage the central and western regions and northeast regions to play their advantages , To undertake labor-intensive foreign trade industries.

  Wang Qing said that under the influence of the epidemic, how to stabilize the industrial foundation of my country's exports is not only related to stabilizing foreign trade, but also directly related to issues such as stabilizing employment and alleviating regional imbalances.

For this reason, the "Opinions" require the cultivation of a number of measures such as the processing trade industrial parks jointly built by the east, the central and western regions, and the northeastern region, aiming to make full use of the cost gradient differences between the east, central and western regions, and the northeast region, and guide them within a period of time. Some export-oriented industries in the east are given priority to transfer to these regions in an orderly manner, so as to avoid large-scale industrial relocation in the short term from affecting the domestic employment situation.

At the same time, this can also bring new industrial growth points to the undertaking area and alleviate the problem of regional development imbalance; and in terms of stabilizing foreign trade itself, guiding the processing trade to shift in the domestic gradient can avoid the loss of a large number of foreign trade orders in the short term, thereby stabilizing my country Market share in global exports.

  On December 5, Inner Mongolia undertook the industrial transfer of processing trade and the online matchmaking meeting for investment promotion was officially held in Hohhot.

It is reported that at this matchmaking meeting, on-site representatives and many online companies conducted in-depth matchmaking exchanges through "cloud negotiation", and signed 9 cooperation agreements with an agreement investment of 2.24 billion yuan.

  Xiao Benhua, deputy dean of the Free Trade Zone Research Institute of Shanghai Lixin Accounting and Finance College, said in an interview with a reporter from the Securities Daily that from the perspective of stabilizing foreign trade, the policy content of guiding the gradient transfer of processing trade has played a positive role. From the above point of view, this year's export growth rate in western my country has indeed accelerated.

The latest data recently released by the National Development and Reform Commission shows that from January to October 2020, my country's western region exports were 194.4 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of 6.6% year-on-year, and the growth rate increased by 0.4% year-on-year.

In fact, whether it is to guide the gradient transfer of processing trade, or to increase support for labor-intensive enterprises that absorb more employment, this is very important for stabilizing and maintaining employment. This measure is also a macroeconomic measure for my country’s foreign trade. The improvement of policy orientation means taking into account both transformation and upgrading and stable growth.

(Securities Daily)