China News Service, November 16th. The National Bureau of Statistics announced on the 16th the industrial production data for October. The Deputy Director of the Industry Department of the National Bureau of Statistics, Changjiang Yuan, explained that in October, with the overall promotion of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, the results continued Consolidation, industrial added value maintained steady and rapid growth, most products and industries continued to grow, the energy and raw materials industry grew faster, the equipment manufacturing industry maintained double-digit growth, the export delivery value growth rate turned from negative to positive, and industrial production continued to improve.

Data map: Staff working in the workshop.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Yu Jing

  First, industrial production has grown rapidly, and the cumulative growth rate has continued to rebound.

In October, the value added of the industrial enterprises above designated size nationwide increased by 6.9% year-on-year, the growth rate was the same as the previous month, and was 2.2 percentage points higher than the same period last year.

Divided into three categories, the mining industry grew by 3.5%, an increase of 1.3 percentage points from the previous month; the manufacturing industry grew by 7.5%, basically the same as last month; the electricity, heat, gas and water production and supply industries grew by 4.0%, compared with the previous month. Last month, it fell slightly by 0.5%.

From January to October, the industrial added value increased by 1.8% year-on-year, which continued to accelerate by 0.6 percentage points from January to September.

  Second, most products and industries have achieved growth, and the cumulative growth has exceeded half for the first time.

In terms of product breakdown, in October, among 612 major industrial products, 427 products achieved year-on-year growth, with an increase of 69.8%, and the proportion continued to increase from the previous month. In terms of industries, among 41 major industrial industries, 34 industries achieved growth. The growth rate is 82.9%.

From January to October, 315 products achieved year-on-year growth, an increase of 32 products from January to September; 23 industries achieved growth, an increase of 3 products from January to September, and the growth area was more than half for the first time.

  Third, the equipment manufacturing industry continues to operate at a high level, and electrical machinery and automobiles continue to grow rapidly.

In October, the added value of the equipment manufacturing industry increased by 10.8% year-on-year, maintaining double-digit growth for four consecutive months, and continued to play an important role in supporting the steady growth of the industry.

Among them, electrical machinery, automobiles, metal products, and general equipment increased by 17.6%, 14.7%, 14.1%, and 13.1%, respectively, and the growth rate continued to be at the forefront of all industrial categories.

In October, automobile production increased by 11.1% year-on-year. The growth rate of new energy vehicles jumped to 94.1% due to favorable policies, consumption recovery, and new models entering the market. Trucks and SUVs maintained rapid growth, respectively. 26.4%, 12.3%.

Industrial robots, microcomputer equipment, and integrated circuits have all achieved rapid growth of more than 20%.

3D printing equipment, smart watches, balance bikes and other emerging products have maintained a rapid growth of more than 60%.

  Fourth, the growth of the energy and raw materials industry has accelerated, and coal and steel have increased their driving role.

In October, driven by winter heating and production, the year-on-year growth rate of the added value of the coal mining and dressing industry rose to the highest this year, an increase of 5.2%, 2.5% faster than the previous month. It is the main industry that stimulates the recovery of the mining industry and stabilizes the growth of industrial production. one.

The raw material industry grew by 7.6% year-on-year, an acceleration of 0.8 percentage points from the previous month.

Among them, the steel, building materials, and chemical industries increased by 11.2%, 9.3%, and 8.8% respectively, and their growth rates all rose to the highest this year, and their driving effect was significantly enhanced.

In terms of products, the year-on-year growth rate of most raw material products continued to pick up.

Among them, ethylene, steel, electrolytic aluminum, and ten non-ferrous metals have rebounded for 4 consecutive months, and the growth rates have risen to 16.5%, 14.2%, 9.7%, and 9.0% respectively. Crude steel and caustic soda have maintained rapid growth above 10%.

  Fifth, the consumer goods industry is generally stable, and the textile and chemical fiber industries have improved significantly.

In October, driven by factors such as rising overseas demand for anti-epidemic products, backflow of orders, and rebounding domestic demand, the textile industry's growth rate rose to the highest level in recent years, with a year-on-year increase of 9.5%, an increase of 3.9% from the previous month; chemical fiber, pharmaceuticals, and papermaking increased respectively 8.4%, 8.2%, and 6.8% were 4.2, 0.8, and 1.3 percentage points faster than the previous month.

The growth rate of tobacco, alcoholic beverages and tea, food manufacturing and other industries has declined or declined.

In terms of product breakdown, the production situation of yarn, cloth, clothing, and chemical fiber has generally improved, and cigarettes, beer, beverages, etc. have shifted from increasing to decreasing or decreasing.

  Sixth, the export delivery value of industrial products has changed from decline to increase, and major industries have improved.

In October, the export delivery value of industrial products increased by 4.3% year-on-year, after a decrease of 1.8% last month.

The export situation of most industries improved. Among them, the export of automobiles, rubber and plastics, metal products, electrical machinery, and special equipment industries increased by 16.4%, 15.3%, 12.2%, 11.7%, and 7.2%, respectively, maintaining rapid growth and accelerating; Exports from the electronics industry grew by 6.6%, after a 3.9% drop last month.

  Jiang Yuan pointed out that the current domestic and international environment is still complicated and severe, instability and uncertainty still exist, and industrial production is still facing certain pressures for stability and improvement.

In the next stage, under the normalized epidemic prevention and control mechanism, we should do a solid job of "six stability", fully implement the "six guarantees" task, and deepen the "six-guarantees" task in accordance with the requirements of building a domestic cycle as the main body and a new pattern of mutual promotion between domestic and international parties The reform of decentralization, regulation and service, stabilizes the supply chain of the industrial chain, continuously stimulates the vitality of market players, and continues to stabilize the recovery of the industrial economy.