Armenians in Lebanon support Nagorno-Karabakh

The Armenian flag is hoisted in the streets of the Bourj Hammoud district, north of Beirut, on October 6, 2020. Hassan Ammar / AP Photo

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In Lebanon, the country with the largest number of Armenians in the Middle East, hundreds of members of this community demonstrated Friday, October 9 to express their support for the separatist region of Nagorno-Karabakh, attacked by the Azerbaijani army since September 27.


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With our correspondent in Beirut,

Paul Khalifeh

The rally in support of Nagorno-Karabakh was organized on Friday, October 9 in Bourj Hammoud, a near suburb of Beirut with an Armenian majority, at the initiative of the Tachnag, the largest party of this community in Lebanon and in the diaspora.

Hundreds of women and men of all ages waved flags of Lebanon and the separatist enclave and chanted slogans,

favorable to the struggle of the Armenians

and hostile to Azerbaijan, as well as to its main supporter, the Turkey.

► To read also: Nagorno-Karabakh: meeting with an Armenian, who left France to return to fight at home

Dozens of Lebanese volunteers joined the front

The secretary general of the Tachnag described the struggle of the Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh as an " 

existential war


Hagop Pakradounian, who is also a member of the Lebanese parliament, claimed that the Armenian parties in Lebanon did not intend to send volunteers to



However, he confirmed the departure of young people on their own initiative to defend the separatist enclave.

Dozens of Lebanese volunteers have indeed joined the Caucasus front from the first days of the fighting.

Some have posted photos on social media.

The Armenians of Lebanon, settled since the beginning of the XXth century, numbered before the civil war from 1975 to 1990 some 250,000 people.

Today, their number is said to be 150,000. They have 6 of the 128 seats in parliament.


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  • Lebanon

  • Nagorno-Karabakh

  • Armenia

  • Azerbaijan

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