Illustration of a masked doctor.


Bastien Louvet / SIPA

The prices of complementary health insurance simply exploded in 2020. This is the result of a study carried out by, the first comparison of mutuals in France, relayed by

Le Parisien on


To carry out this survey, the website was based on three main profiles: a young employee of 25 years covered by a "classic" guarantee, a couple with two children covered in the same way and a senior couple benefiting from guarantees. "Reinforced".

This type of mutual provides better reimbursements for health costs.

Ile-de-France at the top of the hikes

Prices and increases vary from department to department.

But if, in 2019, the lowest price for a senior couple was 2,390 euros in the Cher, it is this year 2,719 euros in Mayenne.

Ile-de-France is the most expensive region.

A senior couple will have to pay 3,247 euros in 2020, or 14.6% more than last year.

For young couples with children, the national increase is 4% on average.

Only the young 25-year-old employee is spared by the rise in prices: his complementary health insurance costs him in 2020 the same price as last year.

An uncertain year for mutuals

The coronavirus pandemic largely explains this increase.

One of its indirect consequences is the loss in the near future of 800,000 jobs, making the maintenance of the rights of many subscribers unclear.

In addition, the possibility for policyholders to terminate their health contract at any time, a measure which will come into force on December 1, worries the complementary.

Finally, the implementation of "100% health" is also taken into account.

This government measure aims to provide access to glasses and prostheses (dental, hearing) without having to spend a penny.


Savings: Donations to the social and solidarity sector now accepted from the LDDS


What information should complementary health insurance provide to their customers?

  • Economy

  • Rate

  • Senior

  • Price

  • Health

  • Mutual