Chinanews client, Beijing, September 9th (Reporter Li Jinlei) The article "Takeaway rider, trapped in the system" triggered continuous public opinion and changed the food delivery giants.

  On September 9th, Meituan Waimai issued a statement stating that the system will be better optimized. While providing users with on-time delivery services, the dispatch system will give riders 8 minutes of flexible time.

The takeaway boy passes through the section of stagnant water.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Liu Ranyang

  "Delivering food is a race against death, a rivalry with traffic police, and a friend with a red light." The recently screened article "Takeaway Riders, Stuck in the System" reveals the dilemma faced by takeaway riders: As the prescribed delivery time is getting shorter and shorter, It is getting harder and harder for takeaway riders, having to speed, run red lights, and go backwards. The number of traffic accidents has risen sharply.

  "Because in the system settings, delivery time is the most important indicator, and overtime is not allowed. Once it happens, it means bad reviews, reduced revenue, or even eliminated."

  Relevant data shows that in 2019, the average delivery time of takeaway orders across the industry in China has been reduced by 10 minutes compared with 3 years ago.

  "The system is indeed dead, but the people who make the system and the rules of the game live!" Many netizens suggested that the platform should be rectified and optimized, and the delivery time should not be so limited, and the dispatch of orders should be more reasonable.

  "Everyone's attention, comments and suggestions from the foreign sellers and the platform system have been received. If you fail to do it well, you do not do it well. There is no excuse. After all, system problems need to be solved by the people behind the system. We are duty-bound." Meituan Takeaway said.

  Meituan Waimai said that it will better optimize the system, leaving 8 minutes flexible time for the rider, leaving the rider to wait for the delayed elevator, and slow down at the intersection; under bad weather, the system will extend the rider’s delivery time or even stop picking up Single; At the same time upgrade the rider complaint function, for overtime and complaints under special circumstances such as bad weather, accidents, etc., after verification, it will not affect the rider's assessment and income.

  In terms of security, Meituan Waimai stated that it will strengthen its distribution security technical team and focus on researching how technology and algorithms can ensure security.

The smart helmet that is being developed to ensure the safety of riders will make every effort to increase production capacity.

  In response to the difficulties in entering and finding the way in special places such as office buildings and hospitals, Meituan Waimai also gave the direction that it is working on. “We are working hard to install smart food picking cabinets in these places to allow riders to deliver the last mile. More convenient."

  According to the statement, Meituan Food Delivery will also improve the rider reward model, shifting from order-delivery rewards to rewards that comprehensively consider reasonable order ranges and safety indicators, so that riders can obtain more practical returns while ensuring safety.

  "Meituan Waimai will continue to increase investment to provide medical and educational assistance to rider families and children. It will listen to constructive opinions from all parties through regular rider seminars and the establishment of product experience officers to better optimize scheduling and navigation. , Appeals and other strategies." (End)