Significant expansion of application scale, continuous improvement of technical level, and gradual growth of the industrial group

"Beidou" application, "accelerator" is prominent

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  Since the Beidou system provided services to the Asia-Pacific region in 2012, the Beidou navigation system has been industrialized in communications, transportation, agriculture and animal husbandry, tourism and other fields, becoming an "accelerator" that promotes high-quality development.

  In the midsummer season, a buzzing sound came from the cotton fields in Guleawati Village, Wensu County, Xinjiang. Technicians are using plant protection drones to spray pesticides on cotton fields. No one was seen in the cotton fields of hundreds of acres, and all the work was carried out by drones "Going to heaven".

  "Due to the use of the high-precision positioning service provided by the Beidou satellite navigation system, the operation effect is more accurate and the efficiency is higher." The technician said that in the past, it took 6 people to work for two days to spray 300 mu of cotton. Now it takes half a day to use a plant protection drone. can be completed.

  On July 31, my country announced to the world that China's independent construction and independent operation of the Beidou-3 global satellite navigation system has been fully completed. This is my country's first and so far the only aerospace information system that provides open and free services to the world. In fact, since the Beidou system provided services to the Asia-Pacific region in 2012, the Beidou navigation system has achieved industrial applications in communications, transportation, agriculture and animal husbandry, tourism and other fields, becoming an "accelerator" for high-quality development.

Unlimited prospects

  In July, Xinjiang's first electric Beidou foundation enhanced base station was completed at the 110kV Henan East Road Substation in Urumqi. It is understood that the positioning accuracy has been improved from the meter level of ordinary positioning to the dynamic centimeter level or the static millimeter level, and the positioning timing accuracy can even reach 20 nanoseconds. It has been used for drone inspections and tower deformation monitoring. Safe and reliable operation provides guarantee.

  On August 3, at the press conference for the completion and opening of the Beidou-3 global satellite navigation system, Ran Chengqi, director of China's satellite navigation system management office and spokesperson for Beidou satellite navigation system, said that the overall output value of China's satellite navigation and location service industry has increased annually. Over 20%, it will reach 345 billion yuan in 2019, and it is expected to exceed 400 billion yuan in 2020.

  The "2020 China Satellite Navigation and Location Service Industry Development White Paper" released by the China Satellite Navigation Association this year shows that with the development of Beidou application as the core, the overall output value of China's satellite navigation and location service industry has reached 345 billion yuan, an increase of 14.4% year-on-year . Among them, the contribution rate of Beidou to the core output value has exceeded 80%. At the same time, with the in-depth advancement of "Beidou+" and "+Beidou" applications, the associated output value driven by satellite navigation has increased by 17.3% year-on-year.

  In recent years, Changsha City has always attached great importance to the development of Beidou application industry. Currently, in the Beidou navigation industry in Changsha City, the number of companies focusing on application and operation services accounts for about 65%, and the output value accounts for about 80%, and the proportion is still increasing. Since the beginning of this year, Changsha Beidou application companies have been less affected by the epidemic. Sales performance and newly signed orders have risen instead of falling. The main business income of key enterprises in the industry chain has increased by an average of 10% year-on-year.

  It is understood that vehicle monitoring, information services, vehicle navigation, and personal tracking currently account for 85% of the various application businesses in the downstream applications of the Beidou system. Industry insiders pointed out that with the successful launch of the last star, the Beidou-3 system will be fully completed, the functions and performance of the Beidou system will be further improved, and the scale, industrialization and internationalization of Beidou applications will be further enhanced.

"Accelerator" to promote high-quality development

  "Cattle and sheep follow the water and grass, the herders follow the cattle and sheep" is a portrayal of life in traditional pastoral areas, but now, with the help of Beidou, some herders in Xinjiang have already bid farewell to traditional grazing methods and realized remote grazing management.

  "The intelligent grazing system we developed is based on Beidou positioning to obtain the location of cattle and sheep. Herders only need to wear the Beidou grazing collar around the neck of the cattle and sheep. With the help of the supporting mobile phone APP, they can learn the location and trajectory of their cattle and sheep without leaving home. , You don’t have to ride a bike all over the grassland to find cattle and sheep.” said Chen Hu, deputy general manager of Xinjiang Tianyu Beidou Satellite Technology Co., Ltd.

  In addition to intelligent grazing, the system can also trace the quality of beef and mutton products. Customers can use the intelligent grazing system platform to find information about the growth environment and grazing trajectory of the cattle and sheep corresponding to the purchased beef and mutton. "Tracing the quality of meat products can enable customers to buy better quality meat products, which will help build a good Xinjiang meat brand in the national meat market and promote the development of Xinjiang's meat industry." Chen Hu said.

  Today, "Beidou" in Xinjiang has been widely used in many enterprises. In the field of communications, the "Beidou" short message made up for the lack of communication blind spots in Xinjiang; in the field of agriculture and animal husbandry, more than 10,000 agricultural machinery used the "Beidou", bringing earth-shaking changes to agricultural production and realizing no There are a total of 5,954 human-driven tractors, more than 5,000 unmanned plant protection aircraft using Beidou navigation system, and more than 10,000 agricultural machinery and equipment served by Beidou navigation system. In the tourism field, Xinjiang has developed a global travel cloud guide based on Beidou system. Through high-precision positioning, help various scenic spots to set up tour routes on the Internet, set up electronic fences, and protect unopened scenic spots.

  "At present, all fishing boats over 60 horsepower in the province have installed our Beidou shipboard terminals; long-distance buses, tourist buses and dangerous goods transport vehicles across the country have also generally installed our car networking terminals." Fujian Xinghai Communications staff said As an old company that was still relying on loans to pay wages in 2000, the company’s turnaround lies in Beidou. When the Beidou satellite system was released, the company immediately followed up and developed related products. With the maturity of the Beidou system, Fujian Xinghai Communications has also developed into the only enterprise in the province that has mastered the three major navigation technologies of wireless, satellite, and inertial at the same time, with an annual output value of more than 200 million yuan.

  Companies that have achieved great development with the help of Beidou also include Dingyang Technology. Through the self-developed high-precision algorithm, the Beidou satellite navigation system has a dynamic accuracy error of less than 1 meter and a static accuracy of 1 mm.

Policy continues to be strong

  "At present, Xinjiang is actively planning to actively promote the deep application of Beidou navigation." Wang Xuefeng, director of the Satellite Application Center of Xinjiang Department of Industry and Information Technology, said that Xinjiang is working hard to build a Beidou data platform to further promote the satellite navigation industry and manufacturing, software industry and modernization. The integrated development of the service industry will expand and strengthen the industrialization scale of satellite applications. At the same time, it will build the Xinjiang Beidou Industry Alliance, build a demonstration zone for Xinjiang's spatial information industry, and help Xinjiang's digital economy transformation and development.

  Since the official opening of the Beidou-3 global satellite navigation system, the two major technologies of Beidou in the sky and 5G on the ground have joined forces, and their infinite prospects and huge energy have aroused the attention of many industries. In Fuzhou, it is clearly proposed to build a satellite Internet and promote satellite applications in urban management, intelligent transportation, public safety, emergency rescue, and land surveying and mapping. Peking University Smart Space (Fuzhou) Innovation Laboratory will, through in-depth cooperation with the Cangshan District government, seize the opportunity of the recent release of the national standard "Geospace Grid Coding Rules" and the start of the construction of the national big data center, and the Beidou grid code southeast The training base is located in Cangshan District, and the big data base part of Beidou grid code is located in Cangshan District.

  As the scientific research center of the aerospace industry and the largest gathering place for commercial aerospace entrepreneurs, Beijing proposed in the "Beijing Action Plan for Accelerating the Construction of New Infrastructure (2020-2022)" released on June 10 to focus on the integration of Star Arrow , Core component manufacturing and other links, build a commercial aerospace industry ecosystem covering rockets, satellites, ground terminals, and application services, and optimize and stabilize the space layout of the "South Arrow and North Star"

  Industry insiders predict that with the completion of the Beidou system infrastructure construction, the entire Beidou ecosystem is expected to form a virtuous circle and enter the industry's high boom cycle, especially the downstream operation services will usher in a huge room for development. Moreover, the value of Beidou is not limited to the field of science and technology. “Beidou+” will extend more business paths. As the underlying application scenarios become richer and truly serve the society, the scale of Beidou-related industries is bound to be upended. Variety.

  Wu Duosi