Categories covered by reduced car insurance

According to the amendments approved by the Board of Directors of the Insurance Authority in the UAE market to Resolution No. (30) of 2016 and its amendments regarding the tariff of vehicle insurance rates, the insurance company can reduce the minimum insurance premium when renewing or issuing a new insurance policy by a percentage not exceeding 50% of the minimum The insurance premium for vehicles of the following categories: (workers in the medical sector, military and police personnel, civil defense personnel, people of determination, elderly people over the age of 60, and individuals seeking insurance with an accident-free record). The amendments also included that the company has the right to change the premiums calculation for new or renewed documents, by making them related to the kilometers that the vehicle travels, or that the customer wishes to cover if the insured so requests, and provided that the insurance premium does not exceed the maximum limit set in the price tariff system with the possibility of Cut to the minimum.

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