China News Service, August 19th. The National Bureau of Statistics issued an announcement on the data of early rice production in 2020 on the 19th. The data showed that the national early rice sown area was 4751 thousand hectares (71.26 million mu), an increase of 300.7 thousand hectares (4.511 million mu) from 2019 , An increase of 6.8%. The total output of early rice in the country was 27.29 million tons (54.6 billion jin), an increase of 1.028 million tons (2.06 billion jin) over 2019, an increase of 3.9%. Li Suoqiang, director of the Department of Rural Affairs of the National Bureau of Statistics, pointed out that although early rice production this year has been adversely affected by severe floods in some parts of the south, the yield has declined, but thanks to the substantial increase in planting area, the country has achieved an increase in early rice production.

Data map: August 4, the rice field next to the flood control dike in Yueyang, Hunan. Photo by Yang Huafeng

  According to the estimation of the sampling survey on the actual harvest of early rice, the sown area, yield per unit area and total output of early rice nationwide in 2020 are as follows:

  1. The sown area of ​​early rice nationwide is 4751 thousand hectares (71.26 million mu), an increase of 300.7 thousand hectares (4.511 million mu) over 2019, an increase of 6.8%.

  2. The national early rice yield per unit area is 5745 kg/ha (383 kg/mu), a decrease of 157.3 kg/ha (10.5 kg/mu) from 2019, a decrease of 2.7%.

  3. The total output of early rice in the country is 27.29 million tons (54.6 billion jin), an increase of 1.028 million tons (2.06 billion jin) over 2019, an increase of 3.9%.

  Li Suoqiang, director of the Department of Rural Affairs of the National Bureau of Statistics, pointed out that although early rice production this year has been adversely affected by severe floods in some parts of the south, the yield has declined, but thanks to the substantial increase in planting area, the country has achieved an increase in early rice production.

1. The sown area of ​​early rice increased significantly

  In 2020, the national early rice planting area is 4751 thousand hectares (71.26 million mu), an increase of 300.7 thousand hectares (4.511 million mu) over the previous year, an increase of 6.8%. In terms of different regions, 7 out of 10 early rice producing provinces (districts) have increased their sown area. Among them, Hunan and Jiangxi increased the most, with an increase of 131.1 thousand hectares (1.967 million acres) and 121.7 thousand hectares (1.825 million acres) respectively, an increase of 12.0% and 11.1%; followed by Guangxi and Guangdong, with an increase of 373,000 hectares (559,000 acres) respectively ) And 345,000 hectares (517,000 mu), an increase of 4.9% and 4.1%.

  The main reasons for the increase in the sown area of ​​early rice are: First, multiple measures have been taken to boost early rice production, which has stimulated farmers' enthusiasm for planting. Governments at all levels in the main early rice production areas have consolidated their grain production responsibilities, fully implemented various policies such as supporting agriculture and benefiting agriculture, grain growing subsidies, and minimum grain purchase prices, strengthened the organization of agricultural materials transfer, and guided the abandonment of wasteland from household to household to re-cultivation. Promote technologies such as machine farming, machine plugging, and drone live broadcast, actively encourage joint farming, land trusteeship, and unified defense control, and comprehensively promote large-scale operation and intensive production, which effectively stimulated farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain. Second, the weather conditions for spring planting are beneficial to the overall production and promote the smooth planting of early rice. In the early stage of production such as early rice sowing and seedling breeding, transplanting and returning to green, the light, temperature and water conditions in most areas of Jiangnan and South China were generally suitable, and there was no obvious continuous low temperature weather. Although there was an "back spring cold" in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and some areas north of it at the end of March and early April, the impact was limited due to its short duration.

2. Early rice yield has declined

  In 2020, the national early rice yield is 5745.0 kg/ha (383.0 kg/mu), a decrease of 157.3 kg/ha (10.5 kg/mu) from the previous year, a decrease of 2.7%. In terms of regions, among the 10 early rice-producing provinces (regions), the yields in Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan and other places decreased by 781.6 kg/ha (52.1 kg/mu) and 402.6 kg/ha (26.8 kg/mu) respectively. , 332.5 kg/ha (22.2 kg/mu) and 178.7 kg/ha (11.9 kg/mu).

  The main reason for the decrease in yield was the severe flooding in the south during the late stage of early rice growth. In the early stage of early rice growth, the main producing areas have a suitable combination of water and heat, and the tiller jointing and booting heading are better than the same period of the previous year. However, when the harvest was about to "open the sickle", there were continuous heavy rains and extremely heavy rains in the south, and the rainfall in many places exceeded historical extremes. Low temperature, torrential rain, and flooding caused early rice fields to fall to different degrees and insufficient grouting. In particular, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan and other places were severely affected. The disaster area and the area with no harvest increased significantly, resulting in a decline in early rice yield.

  The bumper summer grain harvest and the increase in early rice production laid the foundation for stable grain production throughout the year, and provided a solid guarantee for further solidifying the “six stability” work and the full implementation of the “six guarantees” task.