Yen exchange rate Small price movement 18:15 on August 5

On the 5th, the Tokyo foreign exchange market and the yen exchange rate were small.

The yen exchange rate as of 5:00 pm was JPY 108 to JPY 108, which was 24 yen higher than the 4th, and the dollar was 105.67 to JPY 68.

Against the euro, the yen was weaker by 8 yen than on the 4th, from 1 yen = 124.90 yen to 94 yen.

The euro was 22 dollars per euro = 1.1820 against the dollar.

A market official said, "In the United States, it has been reported that parliamentary talks regarding additional economic measures against the new coronavirus are struggling, and there are moves to sell some dollars and buy yen. There are many investors trying to determine the indicators of US employment that will be announced tonight, and price movements are limited."