[Xiaokang China] "Piano Kingdom" built on the mine

  [Explanation] Dongheng Village, Luoshe Town, Deqing County, Zhejiang Province, was once a big mineral village due to its geographical location and other advantages. At that time, although the villagers’ money bags were swollen, the land resources were destroyed. Today, the pits and pits in the past have become a thousand acres of fertile land and nearly 700 acres of piano industrial park. The environment in the village has improved, and the pockets of the villagers have become more bulging.

  [Explanation] On July 21st, Zhang Shunlong, member of the Party Committee of Luoshe Town and Secretary of the Party Branch of Dongheng Village, introduced in an exclusive interview with reporters that in the 1990s, Dongheng Village had at most 18 mining enterprises and village collectives. The economic income can reach 4 million yuan at the maximum, but these incomes are all at the expense of the environment.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Shunlong, Member of the Party Committee of Luoshe Township, Secretary of the Party Branch of Dongheng Village

  Where is the way out of our Dongheng Village, it must be in the abandoned mine. Our village cadres also had a determination at the time that these abandoned mines were destroyed in our hands and will be restored in our hands. So there was a slogan called "Mining in ten years, re-cultivation in ten years, creating a piece of land for our children and grandchildren."

  [Explanation] Nowadays, Dongheng Village has turned part of its mines into more than 3,000 mu of arable land, and built a 680 mu of piano industrial park in an abandoned mine. In the beginning, the villagers converted to the piano industry by relying on their own houses to expand and build factories, which not only affected the beauty of the village, but also brought new environmental problems due to the smell of piano paint. Zhang Shunlong said, planning the piano industrial park and encouraging villagers to move in. With their own venues, villagers can confidently invest in R&D and advertising and develop their own brands.

  [Concurrent] Zhang Shunlong, Member of the Party Committee of Luoshe Township, Secretary of the Party Branch of Dongheng Village

  The collective economy of our village has also been continuously developed. When our village established a stock economic cooperative in 2013, the assets of our entire village were only more than 1.9 million. At that time, we had more than 2,900 people. We must quantify that each stockholder has 680 per share. Four yuan. After several years of development until last year, the collective assets of our entire village reached at least 200 million yuan, an increase of more than 100 times.

  [Explanation] The income of the villagers has increased, the houses the villagers live in have become bigger, and the roads in the village have become smoother. Shen Xujie, a villager in Dongheng Village, has his parents doing a timber business in Dongheng Village, and he now works in a piano factory. Shen Xujie told reporters that with the development of the village, his family's living conditions have also changed significantly.

  [Concurrent] Shen Xujie, a villager in Dongheng Village

  Our parents made veneers, and they rarely deal with pianos. When I was young, the roads were all dirt roads, besides, the roads here were all mountains. Now the roads have been repaired, they are all asphalt roads, and they are very comfortable to drive. When I was young, I lived in a two-story house with a small patio. (Now the house) has four and a half stories, more than three stories, and a loft.

  [Explanation] It is understood that in the future, Dongheng Village will integrate the various industries in the village with the cultural and tourism industry to maintain the green waters and mountains in the village and transform it into a golden and silver mountain for the villagers and their descendants.

  Shen Yishan Wang Weichen reports from Deqing, Zhejiang

Editor in charge: [Li Yuxin]